UPDATE February 2023

First search this site, LW.org /3 Sigmund Freud, for any updated text, then go to https://web.archive.org/web/20221205223226/https://lacanianworks.net/?p=361 or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135310/https://lacanianworks.net/2022/08/sigmund-freuds-texts-available-electronically/ for the links to texts as at December 2022, before www.LacanianWorks.net was hacked.

Many of the texts shown are available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net


This lists texts by Sigmund Freud available to download and was first posted in February 2012 to www.LacanianWorks.net. The content has been updated regularly. Unfortunately, hostile action on 24th December 2022, made LW.net inaccessible. Steps are being taken to either recover the LW.net or re-establish it at www.LacanianWorks.org. Many texts can be accessed at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud or are given bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Home Page or Freud/Philosophy or /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others. The intention is to transfer all the following posts from www.LacanianWorks.net to this website, www.LacanianWorks.org. Should any of these be still in the transfer queue, then go to https://web.archive.org and type in lacanianworks.net – go to the calendar and pick a date – or go to https://oldweb.today or contact Julia Evans.

Note on Translation, July 2022

Sigmund Freud uses the term ‘angst’, as in Hemmung, Symptom und Angst : 1926. This has been translated by James Strachey as ‘anxiety’, so Inhibitions, Symptoms & Anxiety.

Translations from the internet:

Angst: anxiety; fear; fright; panic; terror; stuffiness; oppression; heaviness; sinking feeling

Angst → anxiety, fear, fright, dread, angst

Angst → fear of failure, anxiety, anguish, dread, apprehension, fear, fright, trepidation, alarm

James Strachey’s translation of Angst as Anxiety is misleading & where Sigmund Freud uses Angst, ‘angst is a nearer translation. Thus, inhibition, Symptom and Angst : 1926

Jacques Lacan, who read Sigmund Freud in the original German, translates ‘angst’ from German into French as ‘l’angoisse’. Cormac Gallagher & Adrian Price both translate ‘l’angoisse’ as ‘Anxiety’ as in Seminar X. This seems to me to be mistaken. It is almost certain that Seminar X should be called, ‘From The Anguish’ (De l’angoisse) & the translation of angoisse should be changed to ‘anguish’ throughout the Lacanian field.



Available from www.LacanianWorks.org or contact Julia Evans

Introduction to ‘The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904’ : 1950 : Ernst Kris

Preface, Note on Method & Introduction to ‘The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904’ : 1985 : Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson. See www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (The Complete Freud-Fliess Correspondence (bilingual), pt. I)

Diary or Chronology of Important Events in Freud’s Life

From his birth on May 6, 1856 until Dec. 31, 1900. by Richard Klein www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Diary or Chronology of Important Events in Freud’s Life)


Names of the Analysts who have been analysed by Sigmund Freud : 14th June 2022 : Richard Klein

Richard Klein has put together an orderly listing—a genealogical chart—of “who analyzed whom” in the early, classic years of psychoanalysis. As a by-product of this project, there is provided in Names of Analysts, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Names of the Analysts), an alphabetical list of over 200 of Freud’s patients.

In translating Seminar IV (See Seminar IV : Relation from Object [Relation d’objet] & Freudian Structures (1956-1957) : from 21st November 1956 : Jacques Lacan), it can be seen that Jacques Lacan refers disparagingly to ‘authors’. the main target being Sacha Nacht. Through this recently (14th June 2022) updated document, it is possible to trace some of the relations between ‘authors’ and Jacques Lacan, for example look at Rudolf Loewenstein’s analysands.


Unorthodox Freud : The view from the couch : 1996 : Beate Lohser & Peter M Newton

presents a comprehensive narrative account and discussion of the only existing full-length reports written by analysands of Freud. These self-reports were produced by the following individuals: Abram Rardiner, analyzed in 1921-1922, a young American psychiatrist who would be­ come an eminent social psychoanalyst; the famous American Imagist poet Hilda Doolittle (whose nom de plume was H.D.), analyzed in 1933 and 1934; Joseph Wortis, analyzed in 1934, who, like Rardiner, was a young American psychiatrist but one who would travel a very different path, introducing electroconvulsive shock therapy to the United States; and two other, lesser-known, American psychiatrists, both enthusiastic Christians—John Dorsey, whom Freud analyzed in 1935 and 1936, and Smiley Blanton, whom Freud analyzed in 1929 and 1930 and then on three separate occasions for brief periods during the 1930s, finally termi­nating in 1938.

Published by The Guilford Press 1996. Download at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /texts by request (Freud) Contact Julia Evans.


Letters from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess from 24th November 1887 to 15th May 1893

also Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson’s Preface, Note on Method, Abbreviations of Works Cited, & Introduction. Download bilingual, translated by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, from www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (The Complete Freud-Fliess Correspondence (bilingual), pt. I)


List of texts by Sigmund Freud


On Coca : 1885 : Sigmund Freud

Download bilingual, translated by Steven A. Edminster (1963), at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Freud: On Coca. (Über Coca.))


Sigmund Freud’s entry ‘Aphasia’ in the Handwörterbuch der gesamten Medizin (1888) compiled by A. Villaret.

Available at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (4. Freud’s entry ‘Aphasia’ in the A. Villaret Handwörterbuch der gesamten Medizin (1888))


Aphasia : 1891 : Sigmund Freud

Available http://www.sigmundfreud.net/on-aphasia-pdf-ebook.jsp

Aphasia 1888 & 1891Complete : Available at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud/Philosophy (3. Bilingual of Freud’s book On Aphasia (Zur Auffassung der Aphasien))

An extract from this book is included in SEXIV, following the text The Unconscious : 1915

Zur Auffassung der Aphasien (original 1891 edition) : Sigmund Freud

Available at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (5. Zur Auffassung der Aphasien (original 1891 edition))

Index by Richard Klein to Sigmund Freud’s Aphasia book (1891) Available www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (6. Index by author to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891))

Index by topic to Sigmund Freud’s Aphasia book (1891) Available www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (6. Index by topic to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891)

Studies on Hysteria : 1893-1895 : Sigmund Freud

SE II, Published bilingual at https://www.freud2lacan.com/freud-philosophy/ /15. STUDIES ON HYSTERIA—with Breuer’s original case history sent to Robert Binswanger in Kreuzlingen

Anna O. – Bertha Pappenheim : Part II, Case 1 SE II : A chronology of her life and treatment by Richard G. Klein : Available https://www.freud2lacan.com/freud-philosophy/ /2. Anna O. chronology

The case of Nina R.

Four Documents about the case of “Nina R.” Studies on Hysteria : 1891 – 1894 : J. Breuer und S. Freud. This is not published in the SE. Translated by Richard G. Klein. Available www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Freud: The Case of Olga Schreinburg [Nina R.] trilingual, (not in the S.E.))


Draft E How the Angst [Angst mistranslated as Anxiety] Originates [Wie die Angst Entsteht] : Probably 6th June 1894 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18940601)

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess: 29th August 1894 : Known as Letter 21

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18940829)


Draft G Melancholia : probably 7th January 1895 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud

Letter of 24th January 1895 and Draft H, Paranoia (The Emma Eckstein episode) : 24th January 1895 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or or https://web.archive.org/web/20201129140101/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=1118

The Project for a Scientific Psychology (Entwurf) : 23rd & 25th September & 5th October 1895 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18950923) or or https://web.archive.org/web/20210806075717/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=401 or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess (Letter 29) : 8th October 1895 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18951008)


Letter of January 1st 1896 to Wilhelm Fliess with “Draft K” attached: known as Letter 39: Sigmund Freud

: see following for Draft K. See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18960101)

Draft K : The Neuroses of Defence (A Christmas Fairy Tale) : 1st January 1896 : Sigmund Freud

Attached to Letter of January 1st 1896 – see above. See this site /3. Sigmund Freud (18960101)

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 1st March 1896 : known as Letter 42

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 2nd April 1896 : known as Letter 44

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 30th May 1896 : Known as Letter 46

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 2nd November 1896 : known as Letter 50

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter of December 6th 1896 to Wilhelm Fliess : Known as Letter 52 : Title as Periodicity and Self-Analysis : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud or https://web.archive.org/web/20210127193118/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=414


Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : April 6th 1897 : Known as Letter 59

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess of 2nd May 1897 [known as Letter 61] & Draft L Notes (I) Architecture of Hysteria : 2nd May 1897 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess of 16th May 1897 : known as Letter 62 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess of 25th May 1897 : known as Letter 63 : & Draft M Notes (II) Architecture of Hysteria : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud or https://web.archive.org/web/20201205115000/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12170

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess: 14th August 1897 : Known as Letter 67 : Sigmund Freud

(Freud mentions his hysteria) See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 21st September 1897 : known as Letter 69

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud or https://web.archive.org/web/20210305130047/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12157

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 3rd & 4th October 1897 : Known as Letter 70

(Freud mentions his hysteria) See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess of 15th October 1897: known as Letter 71 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess: 31st October 1897 : Known as Letter 73

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (18971031)

Tracking Dream – Child aged 10 months dream of strawberries (31st October 1897) Sigmund Freud : 16th November 2012 : Notes by Julia Evans

Four quotations from Sigmund Freud : See this site, /3 Sigmund Freud or Dream of Strawberries (1 A Lacanian Clinic/C Cartel or Group Work/ c) Interpretation of Dreams & Dreams) or this site /5 other Authors A-Z/ Evans Julia (20121116)

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 14th November 1897 : known as Letter 75

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud or https://web.archive.org/web/20210302173347/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12151

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 22nd December 1897 : Known as Letter 79

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud


Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 31st August 1898 : Known as Letter 95

(Freud mentions his hysteria) See this site /3 Sigmund Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 22nd September 1898 : Letter 96,

p326-327 of Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson’s translation, The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904. Published by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage


Screen Memories : 1899a : Sigmund Freud

SE III p301-322 Published at www.Freud2Lacan.net /Homepage (Screen Memories (Über Deckerinnerungen))

Commentary : An unknown autobiographical fragment by Freud : 1946 : Siegfried Bernfeld, See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Bernfeld) or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Other Authors A-Z or https://web.archive.org/web/20210922055220/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=7604

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 19th February 1899 : Known as Letter 105

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 6th August 1899 : Sigmund Freud : Known as Letter 114

Note : Freud outlines the process used when writing ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ & comments on its publication. See this site /3 Sigmund Freud

Letter to Wilhelm Fliess : 21st September 1899 : Sigmund Freud : known as Letter 119

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud. Note : Freud criticizes the style and literary form of ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ in this letter

The Interpretation of Dreams : 6th November 1899 (published as 1900) : Sigmund Freud, SE IV & V,

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (November 1899)

OR, bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage ( The complete bilingual of THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS and ON DREAMS-Chapters I-V, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, ON DREAMS; Bibliographies, Indices)

Quotations from Sigmund Freud’s Dream of Irma’s Injection, Chapter II of The Interpretation of Dreams and some of Jacques Lacan’s commentary (Seminar II, Seminar on ‘The Purloined Letter’ & Seminar III) in Sigmund Freud’s Dream of Irma’s Injection – notes : 18th January 2023 (originally published 20th August 2018) : Julia Evans, See this site / Irma’s Injection (1 A Lacanian Clinic /C Cartel or group work/ Interpretation of Dream ) or / Evans Julia (5 Other Authors A-Z – 20230118)

A Premonitory Dream Fulfilled : 10th November 1899 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud

Letter from Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess of 9th December 1899 (Letter 125)

See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (18991218)


On Dreams : 1901a : Sigmund Freud

Last referred by Sigmund Freud to on 14th October 1900 in Letter 139 :SE V p633-687

See www.LacanianWorks.org /On Dreams : 1901: Sigmund Freud

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life : 1901 : Sigmund Freud

SE VI p1-310 : Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (THE PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE (Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens))

Fragment of an analysis of a case of hysteria (‘Dora’) : 1901 [1905] : Sigmund Freud

SE VII p7-114. Available, bilingual, from www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (FRAGMENTS OF AN ANALYSIS OF A CASE OF HYSTERIA, 1905 (Bruchstűck einer Hysterie-Analyse) (Dora))

Commentary : Notes on the creation of the bi-lingual texts : Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria/Bruchstück einer Hysterie-Analyse : January 2004 : Richard Klein : See Preface to www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage


Psychical (or Mental) Treatment : 1905b : Sigmund Freud

SE VII p282-302 Published bilingually at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud/Philosophy (45. Psychical (or Mental) Treatment ((Psychische Behandlung (Seelenbehandlung)))

Jokes and their relation to the Unconscious : 1905 : Sigmund Freud

Published SE VIII P3-237, Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (3. JOKES AND THEIR RELATION TO THE UNCONSCIOUS (Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten))

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality : 1905d : Sigmund Freud

SE VII p123-245. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (THREE ESSAYS ON SEXUALITY (Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie))


Sigmund Freud’s letter to Carl Jung : 6th December 1906

Available at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (50. Freud’s letter to Jung of December 06, 1906 describing psychoanalysis as a cure through love (eine Heilung durch Liebe))


Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society: meeting of February 13th 1907

See www.LacanianWorks.org /Freud’s comments on Wedekind’s ‘The Awakening of Spring (Frühlings Erwachen)’ 1907 : 13th February 1907. See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (1907) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210303214327/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=95

See www.LacanianWorks.org /5 Other Authors A-Z (Wedekind) [Comments on the play ‘The Awakening of Spring (Frühlings Erwachen)’ by Franz Wedekind : 1st January 1891] or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135355/https://lacanianworks.net/1891/01/comments-on-the-play-spring-awakening-by-franz-wedekind/

The Ratman case presented by Sigmund Freud to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 1907-08

See Original Notes of an Obsessional Neurosis (The ‘Rat Man’) 1909e. From the Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Vol 1: 1906-1908/ Protokolle der Wiener Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung, Band 1: 1906-1908

The Ratman case was mentioned in the following 5 meetings :

30th October 1907, Meeting 28, Combined with the 6 Nov 1907 meeting, Freud presented his Beginning of a Case History. Afterwards, various members of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society commented on his case presentation

6th November 1907, Meeting 29, See 30th October,

20th November 1907, Meeting 30, Short report on details of the case

22nd January 1908, Meeting 37, Short report on details of the case

8th April 1908, Meeting 46, Short report on details of the case

Download bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Home page / Freud’s Presentation and Remarks on the Ratman Case to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 1907-8 Translated by Richard Klein

Creative Writers & Day-Dreaming : 6th December 1907 (Vienna) [1908] : Sigmund Freud

SE VII p142-153. Published bi-lingual www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Creative Writers & Day-Dreaming (Der Dichter und das Phantasieren))


On the Sexual Theories of Children : 1908c : Sigmund Freud

SE IX p206. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Home Page ( On the Sexual Theories of Children (Über infantile Sexualtheorien))


Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis : 1909 : Sigmund Freud

SE XI p3-59, OR Two Short Accounts of Psycho-Analysis, 1909 [1910], Sigmund Freud, translated by James Strachey, Pelican Books, 1962, available here www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/h-freudlectures.htm

SE XI p38 (Third Lecture) : Quote : The interpretation of dreams is in fact the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious;

Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy – ‘Little Hans’: 1909 : Sigmund Freud

SE X p5-149 Available bilingual www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (Little Hans))

Interview with Herbert Graf (Little Hans), Memoirs of an Invisible Man-I, Herbert Graf recalls a half-century in the theater: a dialogue with Francis Rizzo. From Opera News, 5th February 1972. See www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage – Interview with Herbert Graf (Little Hans)

Max Graf (Little Hans’ father) interviewed by Kurt Eissler : 16th December 1952

Freud Archives at the USA Library of Congress. In German – Image 4 of Sigmund Freud Papers: Interviews and Recollections, 1914-1998; Set A, 1914-1998; Interviews and; Graf, Max, 16th December 1952 : See https://www.loc.gov/resource/mss39990.11513/?sp=4&st=single&r=-0.208,-0.154,1.418,1.418,0

Herbert (Haenschen klein) Graf interviewed by Kurt Eissler : 22nd October 1959 : Freud Archives at the USA Library of Congress

Part English and part German – Sigmund Freud Papers: Interviews and Recollections, 1914-1998; Set A, 1914-1998; Interviews and; Graf, Herbert, 22nd October 1959 : See https://www.loc.gov/resource/mss39990.11511/?sp=2&r=0.014,0.111,1.156,0.682,0

Kurt R. Eissler (2 July 1908 – 17 February 1999) was an Austrian psychoanalyst and a close associate and follower of Sigmund Freud. With the Anschluss, Eissler moved to the States and is known for his work in establishing and filling the Sigmund Freud Archives, a wide-ranging collection of primary material relating to the life of Freud. Transcripts of his interviews with as many of Freud’s analysands as possible are no longer embargoed & Eisler’s typescript manuscripts can be viewed online.

The press notices about the suicide of Hanna Sujeff-Graf 1906-1942, the younger sister of Little Hans, was published in a number of USA Newspapers including the New York Times 27th August 1942, Section OBITUARIES, Page 21. She had been a music teacher in America. Her mother eventually returned to Austria after the divorce with Max.

Notes upon a case of Obsessional Neurosis (The ‘Rat Man’) :1909d : Sigmund Freud

SE X p155-249 or Penguin Freud Library (PFL) : Vol 9 : p31. Published bilingual at homepage of www.Freud2Lacan.com /go down the page to NOTES UPON A CASE OF OBSESSIONAL NEUROSIS [The Ratman] & click

Addendum: Original Record of the Case (The Ratman)/Bemerkungen über ein Fall von Zwangsneurose: begins 1st October 1907 to 9th October 1907 [Sessions 1-7]

Not in Standard Edition – Original Record of the Case.
These notes of the case were written down by Freud in the evening in a kind of shorthand, where Freud abbreviated certain words—like using ‘u’ for the word ‘und’.

The Strachey Translation from the Addendum:

Strachey only translated this one “Preliminary session”. Sessions 1‐7 were not translated by him. The sessions that followed session 7 were translated by him.

Strachey generally uses the past tense for what Freud writes in the present tense.

Bilingual : German from the G.W. Nachtragsband, pp. 509‐526/ English translation by Richard Klein : from www.Freud2Lacan.com /Home Page / SESSIONS 1-7 OF FREUD’S ORIGINAL RECORD OF THE CASE [bilingual] not in the SE.

Original Notes of an Obsessional Neurosis (The ‘Rat Man’ case) : 1907-1908 [1st October 1907 & from 10th October 1907 to 20th January 1908] [1909e] : Sigmund Freud

SE X p253-319 1909d : See also Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society 1907. : Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / home page /ADDENDUM: ORIGINAL RECORD OF THE CASE. [The Ratman] & click on it. Translator James Strachey {NOTES UPON A CASE OF OBSESSIONAL NEUROSIS [The Ratman]


Commentary : see www.LacanianWorks.org/The Neurotic’s Individual Myth (The Rat Man) (Collège de Philosophique, Paris) : 4th March 1953 : Jacques Lacan


Psychoanalytic notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia (Dementia Paranoides) (President Schreber) : 1910 (published 1911c) : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p3-90. See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19100101) or /Texts related to the case of President Schreber : 1st August 2022, 2023, or /President Schreber (1 A Lacanian Clinic) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210127185532/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=244

Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood : 1910c : Sigmund Freud

Translated by Alan Tyson, SE XI p57-137 & pfl Vol 14. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (32. Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood (Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci))

The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words : 1910e : Sigmund Freud

SE XI p155-161 Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud, Philosophy (14. The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words: ABEL, FREUD (-The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words (Über den Gegensinn der Urworte))

See also (only in German)

Two references available to Sigmund Freud

– Über den Gegensinn der Urworte (The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words) by Abel, Carl, 1837-1906. Publication date 1884. Publisher Leipzig, Friedrich

Carl Abel (25 November 1837 – 26 November 1906) was a German comparative philologist from Berlin who wrote Linguistic Essays in 1880. Abel also acted as Ilchester lecturer on comparative lexicography at the University of Oxford and as the Berlin correspondent of the Times and the Standard. His 400-page dictionary of Egyptian-Semitic-Indo-European roots appeared in 1886. His essay “On the antithetical meanings of primal words” (Ueber den Gegensinn der Urworte) was discussed by Sigmund Freud in an identically titled piece, which, in turn, was discussed by Jacques Derrida as a precursor to deconstruction’s semantic insights.[3] He also translated some of Shakespeare’s works into German. Published in German at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud – Philosophy, (14. The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words: ABEL, FREUD (- Abel: Über den Gegensinn der Urworte (The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words))

– Wilhelm Stekel (1914). Die Verpflichtung des Namens. (The Obligation/Responsibility of Names) Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, 4(7-8):419

Wilhelm Stekel was an Austrian physician and psychologist, who became one of Sigmund Freud’s earliest followers, and was once described as “Freud’s most distinguished pupil”. Cause of death : suicide. Published in German at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud – Philosophy, (12. Stekel: Die Verpflichtung des Namens (The Obligation/Responsibility of Names))

The Psycho-Analytic View of Psychogenic Disturbance of Vision : 10th April 1910 : Sigmund Freud

SE XI p209 – 218. Bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud, Philosophy (32. The Psycho-Analytic View of Psychogenic Disturbance of Vision)

‘Wild’ Psycho-Analysis : 1910 : Sigmund Freud

SEXI p219-227 Published, bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)


Papers on Technique : 1911-1915 : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p84-173 : Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

‘Wild’ Psycho-Analysis (1910), SEXI p219-227

Papers on Technique (1911-1915), SE XII p84-173 :

The Handling of Dream Interpretation in Psycho-Analysis (1911) : SE XII

The Dynamics of Transference (1912) : SE XII p97-109

Recommendations to Physicians Practising Psycho-Analysis (1912)

On Beginning the Treatment (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis I) (1913), SE XII

Remembering, repeating and Working Through (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis II) (1914) SE XII

Observations on Transference-Love (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis III) (1914), SE XII

Appendix : List of Writings by Freud dealing mainly with technique and theory : Fausse Reconnaissance (‘Déjà Raconté) in Psycho-Analytic Treatment (1914) : SEXIII p199-207

Remarks on the Theory and Practice of Dream-Interpretation (1923) : SE XIX p107-121

Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

Two Principles of Mental Functioning : 1911: Sigmund Freud

SE XII p213–226 : published bilingual at www.freud2lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Two Principles of Mental Functioning)


The Handling of Dream Interpretation in Psycho-Analysis : 1911 : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p89-95. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)


Totem and Taboo: 1912-1913 : Sigmund Freud

SE XIII p 1-162 Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (2. TOTEM AND TABOO (Totem und Tabu))


The dynamics of transference : 1912 : Sigmund Freud

SE XII, p97-109 Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

Recommendations to physicians practising psychoanalysis : 1912 : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p109-119. Published,bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love (Contributions to the Psychology of Love II) : 1912 : Sigmund Freud

SE XI p177-190 See www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud (1912)


On beginning the treatment (Further recommendations on the technique of psychoanalysis I) : 1913 : Sigmund Freud

: SEXII p121-140. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

The Disposition to Obsessional Neurosis – A contribution to the problem of choice of neurosis : 1913i : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p311-326. ‘Die Disposition zur Zwangsneurose’, G.S., 5, 277; G.W., 8, 442. (239-240, 319) [Trans.:‘The Predisposition to Obsessional Neurosis’,C.P., 2, 122;


On Narcissism – an Introduction : March 1914 : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV p69-102 Notes & Information See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19140101) . Notes quote Mass Psychology, SE VII p222. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (On Narcissism: An Introduction prefaced with critical notes about Strachey’s translation) & at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Metaphysical (On Narcissism – An Introduction)

From the History of an Infantile Neurosis (The ‘Wolf Man’) : 1914 [published 1918b] : Sigmund Freud

SE XVII p3-122. See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19140101) OR /1. A Lacanian Clinic (7. The Wolfman) or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud. Published bilingual www.Freud2Lacan.com //Home Page (FROM THE HISTORY OF AN INFANTILE NEUROSIS [The Wolfman])

Remembering, Repeating and Working Through (Further Recommendations in the Technique of Psychoanalysis II) : 1914 : Sigmund Freud

SE XII p145 -156. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

Observations on Transference-Love (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis III) : 1914 : Sigmund Freud

SEXII p157-170. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

Fausse Reconnaissance (‘Déjà Raconté) in Psycho-Analytic Treatment : 1914 : Sigmund Freud

SEXII p199-207. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

Papers on Metapsychology (1915) – Editor’s Introduction : 1957 : James Strachey

Published www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (5. Papers on Metapsychology – Editor’s Introduction)


Thoughts for the Times on War and Death : 1915b : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV 292– 3 : Published www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (20. Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (Zeitgemäßes über Krieg und Tod))

A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams (‘Metapsychologishe Ergänzung zur Traumlehre’) : 1915 published 1917d : Sigmund Freud

Collected Papers vol 4 p137 or SE XIV or PFL vol 11 ‘On Metapsychology’,p223 – 244, published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, /Papers on Technique and others (9. A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams)

Mourning and Melancholia : 1915 [published 1917e] : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV p238-259, Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud : The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (10. Mourning and Melancholia)

Drives (mistranslated as Instincts) and their vicissitudes : 1915c : Sigmund Freud

Triebe und Triebschicksale. Internationale Zeitschrift für (ärztliche) Psychoanalyse, III, p. 84-100; G.W., X, p. 210-232; SE XIV p117-140 : Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (6. Instincts and Their Vicissitudes)

Repression : 1915d : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV p141-158. Published. bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (7. Repression)

‘Das Unbewusste’ – The unconscious : 1915e : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV p159-215. The final section of Freud’s paper on the The Unconscious seems to have roots in his early monograph ’On Aphasia’ (1891). Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (8. The Unconscious : Parts 1-2, Parts 3-5, Parts 6-7, Appendices A-B)

Overview of the Transference Neuroses : 1915 : Sigmund Freud

Also published : A Phylogenetic Fantasy: Overview of the Transference Neuroses : 28th July 1915 : Sigmund Freud. See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19150728 A Phylogenetic Fantasy). Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (11. Overview of the Transference Neuroses (missing paper not included in the Standard Edition)) Quote from letter of Sigmund Freud to Sandor Ferenczi, 28th July 1915, I will take a break now, before I finally work out Cs. [consciousness] and angst {translation altered – original German is Angst}

On Transience : November 1915 [1916a] : Sigmund Freud

SE XIV See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (On Transience : November 1915 [1916a] : Sigmund Freud). Bilingual www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (34. On Transience (Vergänglichkeit) )


Some Character-types met with in Psychoanalytic Work (Self-punishment paranoia) : 1916 : Sigmund Freud

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (19160101) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210307100751/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=114


Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis : 1915-1917 (Published 1916-1917) : Sigmund Freud

SE XV & XVI, Available on the internet..

Part Three – General Theory of the Neuroses :

Lecture XVII – The Sense of Symptoms :1917. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (37. Lecture XVII: The Sense of Symptoms and Lecture XXIII: The Paths to the Formation of Symptoms)

Lecture XXIII : The Paths to the Formation of Symptoms : 1917. SE XVI : Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (37. Lecture XVII: The Sense of Symptoms and Lecture XXIII: The Paths to the Formation of Symptoms)

Lecture XXV The Angst (Die Angst) : 1917 : Sigmund Freud

SE XVI. Note : The title has been mistranslated as ‘Anxiety’ and the definite article, the, is missing.

Download, Die Angst – published in German & James Strachey’s translation & notes, PFL, at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud (1917)

On Transformations of Instinct (Drive) as Exemplified in Anal Erotism : 1917 : Sigmund Freud

SE XVII p127. See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (19170101)

The Taboo of Virginity (Contributions to the Psychology of Love III) : September 1917 [1918] : Sigmund Freud

SE XI p191-208.


Preface to ‘Ritual, Four Psychoanalytic Studies’ by Theodor Reik (1919) : Sigmund Freud

See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (Preface to Theodor Reik’s ‘Ritual: Psychoanalytic Studies’ : 1919 : Sigmund Freud)

Introduction to Psycho-Analysis and the War Neuroses (1919) & Memorandum presented by Sigmund Freud to a Commission set up by the Austrian War Ministry in the following year (1920),

SE XVII p205-215. See www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (Introduction to Psycho-Analysis and the War Neuroses (1919) & Memorandum to a Commission set up by the Austrian War Ministry in the following year (1920): Sigmund Freud) & available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud

‘A child is being beaten’ a contribution to the study of the origin of sexual perversions : 1919 : Sigmund Freud

Trans. J. Strachey, SE XVII p175-204, PFL Vol 10. Published bilingual at http://www.freud2lacan.com /Homepage /‘A Child is Being Beaten’ (‘Ein Kind wird geschlagen’) Information see www.LacanianWorks.org /1. A Lacanian Clinic / C Cartel or group work / d) e A Child is being Beaten

Related text : The Relation of Beating-Phantasies to a Day-Dream : 31st May 1922 : Anna Freud, Information www.LacanianWorks.org /5. Authors A-Z (Freud Anna) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210917045746/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11997. Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Anna Freud’s Beating Fantasies & Daydreams) OR www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /authors a-z (Freud Anna)

The Uncanny : 1919h : Sigmund Freud

SE XVII : p217-256 or PFL Vol 14 – Art and Literature, p335. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (18. The ‘Uncanny’ (Das Unheimliche))


The Ego & the Id (‘Das Ich und das Es’) : 1920 [1923] : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p12-63, Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud/Philosophy (28. THE EGO AND THE ID (Das Ich und das Es))

The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman : 1920 : Sigmund Freud

SE XVIII p145-172. Information www.LacanianWorks.org /1. A Lacanian Clinic (9. The Homosexual Woman).or www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19200201) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210305142204/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=408. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman)

Beyond the Pleasure Principle : 1920g : Sigmund Freud

SE XVIII p1-64. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE)


Mass (mistranslated as Group) Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego : 1921 [1922] : Sigmund Freud

[ Massenpsychologie und Ich-analyse], SE XVIII p69-143. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others


Dreams and Telepathy : 1922a : Sigmund Freud

SE XVIII p197–220 Published bilingual www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (49 Dreams and Telepathy (Traum und Telepathie))

Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality : 1922b : Sigmund Freud

SE XVIII p221-232 : Published bilingually at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality (Über einige neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht, Paranoia und Homosexualität))

-Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality : 1922b : Sigmund Freud

Translated by Jacques Lacan (July to September 1932) as he was writing his thesis. Was published in la Revue française de psychanalyse, 1932, tome V, n° 3 (Jul‐Sep) p391‐401. Available trilingual (German Freud, French Lacan, English Strachey) www.Freud2Lacan.com /Lacan (1. Lacan’s 1932 translation of Freud’s paper, Über einige Neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht, Paranoia und Homosexualität along with Strachey’s translation, tri-lingual)

Medusa’s Head (Das Medusenhaupt) : 14th May 1922 [1940] : Sigmund Freud,

SE XVIII p273. This is a very short, posthumously published essay on the subject of the Medusa Myth, dated 14th May 1922, according to the editors of the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Imago who published the manuscript posthumously in 1940 as an essay under the title “Das Medusenhaupt,” Freud’s text is to be regarded as a companion piece to Sandor Ferenczi’s not on the same topic, published in 1923 as “Zur Symbolik des Medusenhaupts”.

Letter to Ernest Jones of 4th June 1922 : Letter 364 : Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud states’ I shall compose a long letter consisting of three parts, containing in 1 and 2 some analytic remarks on two interesting personalities, in 3 some practical proposals.’ 31st May 1922 [This refers to Joan Rivière and Ernest Jones.]. See www.LacanianWorks.org /3. Sigmund Freud (Letter to Ernest Jones of 4th June 1922 : Letter 364 : Sigmund Freud)


Remarks on the Theory and Practice of Dream-Interpretation : 1923 : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p107-121. Published, bilingual, by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others (Papers on technique)

The Infantile Genital Organization (An Interpolation into the Theory of Sexuality) : (1923e) Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p141. Published, bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Home Page (The Infantile Genital Organization (Die infantile Genitalorganisation))


The Economic Problem of Masochism : 1924 : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p155-70, PFL Vol 11 p411-426. Available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud (1924). Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (The Economic Problem of Masochism (Das ökonomische Problem des Masochismus))

The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex : 1924d : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p173-179 : Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex (Der Untergang des Ödipuskomplexes))

Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis : 1924e : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p181-187. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (The Loss of Reality in Neurosis)

A Note upon the ‘Mystic Writing-Pad’ : Autumn 1924 [1925a] : Sigmund Freud

Notiz ober den ‘Wunderblock’ : SE XIX p227-234. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com / Freud/Philosophy (10. A Note Upon the ‘Mystic Writing-Pad’ (Notiz über den »Wunderblock«))

An Autobiographical Study : 1924 [1925d] : Sigmund Freud

SE XX p3-24, See www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /freud (1924)


Negation (Verneinung) : 1925h : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p235-39 : published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Negation (Die Verneinung))

Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes : 1925j : Sigmund Freud

SE XIX p241-258. Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction Between the Sexes (Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen Geschlechtsunterschieds))


Inhibitions, Symptoms & Angst [Angst mistranslated as Anxiety] : 1926d : Sigmund Freud

SE XX p75-175 : Download bilingual Part 1 www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (INHBITIONS (Part I), & Part 2 www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (SYMPTOMS AND ANXIETY (Part II))


Dostoevsky and Parricide : 1927 with Appendix A Letter from Sigmund Freud to Theodor Reik : 14th April 1929 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI p173-196 , (1928) Download bilingual, translated by James Strachey, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy /17 Dostoevsky and Parricide (Dostojewski und die Vatertötung)

Fetishism : 1927 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI (1927-1931) PFL vol 7 p345 : Published at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Fetishism)

The Future of an Illusion : 1927c : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI, Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud Philosophy (30. THE FUTURE OF AN ILLUSION (Die Zukunft einer Illusion))


Appendix A Letter from Sigmund Freud to Theodor Reik : 14th April 1929 : with Dostoevsky and Parricide : 1927 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI p173-196 , (1928) Download bilingual, translated by James Strachey, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy /17 Dostoevsky and Parricide (Dostojewski und die Vatertötung)

Civilization and its Discontents : 1929 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI p58-145 : Download bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud/Philosophy (31. CIVILIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS (Das Unbehagen in der Kultur)


Libidinal Types : 1931 : Sigmund Freud

Freud. S.: ber libidinöse Typen. Int. Ztschr. f. Psa., XVII, 1931, Eng. trans. by Edith B. Jackson, Psychoanal. Q. I. 1932, James Strachey’s translation, SEXXI p215-220.

Female Sexuality : 1931b : Sigmund Freud

SE XXI p221-243 : Published at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Female Sexuality)


New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis : 1932 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXII. See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (19320501)

-Lecture XXX – ‘Dreams and Occultism’ : 1932 (published 1933), SE XXII p1-182 Published www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (47. Lecture XXX Dreams and Occultism (Traum und Okkultismus))

-Lecture XXXII – Angst and Life Drives (Anxiety and Instinctual Life) : 1932 (published 1933)

SE XXII p1-182 & Vorlesung 32 – Angst und Triebleben, GW 15

Download in German and English at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

-Lecture XXXIII: ‘Femininity’: 1932 (published 1933), SE XXII p112-135 Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Femininity (Lecture XXXIII))

-Lecture XXXIV : Explanations, Applications & Orientations : 1932 [1933] : Sigmund Freud

SE XXII p1-182, Download, James Strachey’s translation & notes, PFL, at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud (1932)

Why War? Letter to Albert Einstein : September 1932 : Sigmund Freud

Published : Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, “Why War?” (1933), in The Weimar Republic Sourcebook, edited by Anton Kaes, Martin Jay, and Edward Dimendberg. © 1994 Regents of the University of California. Published by the University of California Press, pp. 25-34. Available http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/docpage.cfm?docpage_id=4737

Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (21. Why War? (Warum Krieg?))


Moses and Monotheism : 1934-1938 : Sigmund Freud

SE XXIII p3 or Penguin Freud Library Vol 13 p237 Available here: http://archive.org/details/mosesandmonothei032233mbp Trans Katherine Jones : The Hogarth Press : 1939

The complete bilingual of Moses and Monotheism from www.Freud2Lacan.com Freud/Philosophy / (14. The complete bilingual of MOSES AND MONOTHEISM:

Part 1, (includes the suppressed intro to the Manuscript Draft)

Part 2, (includes Ernst Sellin’s Mose und seine Bedeutung…))

From July 2022, Part 1 includes a chart showing the chronology of the 18th & 19th dynasties of Egypt with quotes from Freud’s Moses and Monotheism pertaining to each of the Egyptian Pharaohs that Freud has mentioned.


A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis : 1936a : Sigmund Freud

SE XXII p239, Published bilingual at https://www.freud2lacan.com/freud-philosophy/ /30. A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis (Brief an Romain Rolland)


Analysis Terminable & Interminable : 1937c : Sigmund Freud

SE XXIII p209-54. Published, bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan.com /Homepage (Analysis Terminable and Interminable (Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse))

Related text : The three impossible professions – Analysis, Education & Government, SE XXIII p248 : 1937 : Sigmund Freud, See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (1937 or https://web.archive.org/web/20210121115414/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=83 )

Note : From p824 of Bruce Fink’s Translator’s Endnotes (Écrits) – see www.LacanianWorks.org /4. Jacques Lacan (May 1958) & in Variations on the Standard Treatment : Easter 1955 : Jacques Lacan translates the title of this text as “L’analyse finie et l’analyse sans fin,” “Finite (or Finished) Analysis and Analysis without end”.

Jacques Lacan cites SE XXIII p218-219 : ‘I have subsequently employed this fixing of a time-limit in other cases as well and I have also taken the experiences of other analysts into account. There can be only one verdict about the value of this blackmailing device: it is effective provided that one hits the right time for it. But it cannot guarantee to accomplish the task completely. On the contrary, we may be sure that while part of the material will become accessible under the pressure of the threat, another part will be kept back and thus become buried, as it were, and lost to our therapeutic efforts. For once the analyst has fixed the time-limit he cannot extend it; otherwise the patient would lose all faith in him. The most obvious way out would be for the patient to continue his treatment with another analyst, although we know that such a change will involve a fresh loss of time and abandoning fruits of work already done. Nor can any general rule be laid down as to the right time for resorting to this forcible technical device; the decision must be left to the analyst’s tact. A miscalculation cannot be rectified. The saying that a lion only springs once must apply here.’ in /The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis (Rome) : 26th September 1953 : Jacques Lacan : Also known as the Rome Report, see LW.org /September 1953. ‘with the accent placed on the expression “a lion only springs once”,[1]’ Éric Zuliano at https://mondodispatch.com/en/2023/02/24/ecf-in-progress/, part of World Association of Psychoanalysis website, Full quote at LW.org /4 Jacques Lacan (19530926)

Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defence : 1938 [published 1940e] : Sigmund Freud

SE XXIII : p2731-278 or Penguin Freud Library (PFL) Vol 11 p457. Published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defense)

An Outline of Psychoanalysis : 1938 [1940] : Sigmund Freud

SE XXIII p141-207, trans: Helena Ragg-Kirkby, London: Penguin Books Ltd. (2003), Available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /texts by request – password from Julia Evans, p197 gives “Kern unseres Wesen, the nucleus [core] of our being”