1915-1917 (from ORG)

Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis : 1915-1917 (Published 1916-1917) : Sigmund Freud

: SE XV & XVI [Published 1916-1917] Part Three – General Theory of the Neuroses [1917]

SE XV & XVI, Available on the internet.

See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (19150101) or (10000000 Index)

New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis : May to August 1932 (1933)

Editor’s note : 1964 : James Strachey

Neue Folge Der Vorlesungen Zur Einfûhrung In Die Psychoanalyse


1933 First German edition : Vienna

1940 Gesammelte Werke 15 (GW 15)

1933 First English translation : London and New York. (Tr. W. J. H. Sprott.)

1964 Standard Edition 22 1-182 (SE XXII p1-182)

In the early part of 1932 the financial affairs of the psycho-analytic publishing business (the ‘Verlag’) were in a parlous state, and the idea occurred to Freud of coming to its help with a new series (‘New Folge’ in the German title) of Introductory Lectures. The first and last lectures were ready ty the end of May and the whole book was finished by the end of August. It was actually issued on December 6, a month before the official date of publication.

These lectures differ from the original set in several ways, and not merely in the fact that they were never meant to be delivered. As Freud pointed out in his own preface (and as he insisted by his numeration of the lectures), they do not stand on their own legs but are essentially supplementary. What is especially noticeable about them, however, is the way in which they differ in character among themselves. The first lecture, on dreams, is scarcely more than a summary of the dream section in the earlier series. On the other hand the third, fourth and fifth lectures (on the structure of the mind, on anxiety [angst] and the theory of the instincts and on female psychology) introduce entirely new material and theories and, at all events in the case of the third and fourth lectures, plunge into metapsychological and theoretical discussions of a difficulty which had been studiously avoided fifteen years earlier. The remaining three lectures – the second and the last two – deal with a number of miscellaneous topics …





My Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis were delivered during the two Winter Terms of 1915-16 and 1916-17 in a lecture room of the Vienna Psychiatric Clinic before an audience gathered from all the Faculties of the University. The first half of the lectures were improvised, and written out immediately afterwards; drafts of the second half were made during the intervening summer vacation at Salzburg, and delivered word for word in the following winter. At that time, I still possessed the gift of a phonographic memory.

These new lectures, unlike the former ones, have never been delivered. My age had in the meantime absolved me from the obligation of giving expression to my membership of the University (which was in any case a peripheral one) by delivering lectures; and a surgical operation had made speaking in public impossible for me. If, therefore, I once more take my place in the lecture room during the remarks that follow, it is only by an artifice of the imagination; it may help me not to forget to bear the reader in mind as I enter more deeply into my subject.

The new lectures are by no means intended to take the place of the earlier ones. They do not in any sense form an independent entity with an expectation of finding a circle of readers of its own; they are continuations and supplements, which, in relation to the former series, fall into three groups. A first group contains fresh treatments of subjects which were already dealt with fifteen years ago but which, as a result of a deepening of our knowledge and an alteration in our views, call for a different exposition to-day – that is to say, critical revisions. The two other groups contain what are true extensions, for they deal with things which either did not exist in psycho-analysis at the time of the first lectures or which were too little in evidence to justify a special chapter-heading. It is inevitable, but not to be regretted, if some of the new lectures unite the characteristics of more than one of these groups.

I have also given expression to the dependence of these new lectures on the Introductory Lectures by giving them a numbering continuous with theirs. The first lecture in this volume is accordingly called No. XXIX. Like their predecessors, they offer the professional analyst little that is new; they are addressed to the multitude of educated people to whom we may perhaps attribute a benevolent, even though cautious, interest in the characteristics and discoveries of the young science. This time once again it has been my chief aim to make no sacrifice to an appearance of being simple, complete or rounded-off, not to disguise problems and not to deny the existence of gaps and uncertainties. In no other field of scientific work would it be necessary to boast of such modest intentions. They are universally regarded as self-evident; the public expects nothing else. No reader of an account of astronomy will feel disappointed and contemptuous of the science if he is shown the frontiers at which our knowledge of the universe melts into haziness. Only in psychology is it otherwise. There mankind’s constitutional unfitness for scientific research comes fully into the open. What people seem to demand of psychology is not progress in knowledge, but satisfactions of some other sort; every unsolved problem, every admitted uncertainty is made into a reproach against it.

Whoever cares for the science of mental life must accept these injustices along with it.



Index & Availability

Preface – reproduced above

-Lecture XXIX (29) Revision of the Theory of dreams

-Lecture XXX – ‘Dreams and Occultism’ : 1932 (published 1933),

SE XXII p1-182. Published www.Freud2Lacan.com /Freud-Philosophy (47. Lecture XXX Dreams and Occultism (Traum und Okkultismus))

– Lecture XXXI – Dissection of the Psychical Personality (Wo Es war; soll Ich werden)

-Lecture XXXII – Angst and Life Drives (Anxiety and Instinctual Life) : 1932 (published 1933)

SE XXII p1-182. Vorlesung 32 – Angst und Triebleben, GW 15

Download in German and English at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud

Note on translation :

‘Ûber die Berechtigung, von der Neurasthenie einen Bestimmten Symptomenkomplex als ‘Angstneurose’ Abzutrennen (1894)’ is translated by A. A. Brill as ‘The Justification for detaching from Neurasthenia a Particular Syndrome: the Anxiety-Neurosis’. W. J. H. Sprott translated ‘Angst und Triebleben’ as ‘Anxiety and Instinctual Life’ (1933).

James Strachey used this translation so ‘Anxiety’ which became the recognised translation of ‘Angst’, just as ‘instinct’ became the translation of ‘Trieb’ not drive. All the other mistranslations follow.

Jacques Lacan read Sigmund Freud’s texts in German. He seems to be consistent in translating ‘angst’ as ‘angoisse’ not ‘anxiété’.

Notes on Lecture XXXII are now published at this site /3 Sigmund Freud (19320630)

-Lecture XXXIII – Femininity : 1932 (published 1933),

SE XXII p112-135 Published www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Femininity (Lecture XXXIII))

-Lecture XXXIV : Explanations, Applications & Orientations : 1932 [1933] : Sigmund Freud

SE XXII, Download, notes & citations at www.LacanianWorks.org /3 Sigmund Freud (19320101) & James Strachey’s translation & notes, PFL, at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Freud (1932)

-Lecture XXXV (35) – The Question of a Weltanschauug