Translated into English:
Title: Tokyo Discourse
Date: 21st April 1971
Intervention by: Jacque Lacan – see below for detail.
Translated by: Jack W. Stone.
Published by M.I.T.: University of Missouri:
Available /Lacan
Available bilingual, translated by Jack W. Stone & Dany Nobus, at //Lacan (65 Discourse de Tokyo, April 21, 1971)
7th December 2018 : To request a copy of any text whose weblink does not work, contact Julia Evans: : For fuller details, see Notice : Availability of texts from LacanianWorks by Julia Evans or here
Introduction to Tokyo Discourse:
This intervention by Dr Lacan took place on April 21, 1971 in Tokyo in the office of Kobundo editions, the publisher of the Japanese translation of the Écrits, during a meeting organized by Prof. Takasugo Sasaki, with the team of translators who had gathered around him to work on Écrits. The transcription of this intervention by Dr Lacan was established, beginning with a now lost recording made by Mr Philippe Pons, Tokyo correspondent for the newspaper Le Monde. It is thanks to Prof. Sasaki who preserved this transcription that this document has come to us. This text was translated into Japanese by Prof. Sasaki, who had it published under the title “Tokyo Discourse,” along with Mr Takuhiko Ichimura’s translation of “Radiophonie,” in a book published by Kobundo in 1985, entitled ‘Discourse of Jacques Lacan’.
Published in French
By École Lacanienne de la Psychanalyse,