This post lists translations of texts by Jacques Lacan, their availability & notes on the text. It is regularly updated and was first published on on 18th March 2012.

Unfortunately, there was an hostile intrusion into on 24th December 2022 & the more than 900 posts cannot now be viewed. Efforts are being made to rebuild the site at . This will take many months, It is possible that will be recovered in January 2023

in the meantime this is a list of that which is available in translation.

If you look in this site /4 Jacques Lacan you will find that which has been moved across.

Contact Julia Evans for posts not yet transferred or go to and type in – go to the calendar and pick a date or go to .

UPDATE February 2023

First search this site for any updated text – by Category or Date, then go to for the links to Jacques Lacan’s texts, which are as they were in December 2022.


At there are many English translations of Jacques Lacan’s texts, usually with the French text alongside & some reference material.

At there are many translations particularly of Jacques Lacan’s seminars.


– Brief Biography of Jacques Lacan (1901-1981). See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (13000000 Lacan’s Biography)

-Commentary on Jacques Lacan & Sacha Nacht : What is concealed by the so-called “Cht” and why? : 9th March 2019 : Réginald Blanchet

-L’objet et son concept – Indexation des Écrits de Jacques Lacan : Christian Hoffmann & Réferences de Lacan au texte de Freud I. de 1882 à 1913 : Marie Guastalla & Références de Lacan au texte de Freud II. De 1914 à 1939 : Marie Guastalla : Published by /Lacan (74. Lacan’s references to Freud’s texts)

-Lacanian-Freudian Perversion Bibliography, published at /Lacan (127. Lacanian-Freudian Perversion Bibliography)

Los Escritos de Jacques Lacan : 14th August 1993 : Ángel de Frutos Salvador, Preface by Élisabeth Roudinesco. This book by Ángel de Frutos Salvador contains the variations of Lacan’s texts, lining them up, side by side. Download at /Lacan (27. Los Escritos de Jacques Lacan, Variantes textuales (Fr. and Sp))


Sigmund Freud uses the term ‘angst’. This has been translated by James Strachey as ‘anxiety’. A nearer translation is ‘angst’ which will be substituted, from now on.

Translations of ‘angst’ from the internet:

Angst: anxiety; fear; fright; panic; terror; stuffiness; oppression; heaviness; sinking feeling

Also Angst : anxiety, fear, fright, dread, & fear of failure, anxiety, anguish, dread, apprehension, fear, fright, trepidation, alarm

Jacques Lacan, who read Sigmund Freud in the original German, translates ‘angst’ from German into French as ‘l’angoisse’.

Cormac Gallagher & Adrian Price both translate ‘l’angoisse’ as ‘Anxiety’. This seems to be a mistake. It is almost certain that Seminar X should be called, From the Anguish (De l’angoisse) & most references to ‘anxiety’ should be changed to ‘anguish’. However, this means looking up what original word was used, Angst – German or Angoisse – French.

In La Troisième (The Third) : 1st November 1974 (Rome) : Jacques Lacan, Jacques Lacan states,

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Yolande Szczech writes :“I am not a French scholar. I was just frustrated at the lack of an English translation of this key text, so I took matters into my own hands. I apologise for any mistakes. This translation is based on Pierre‐Alain Lecat’s transcription of Lacan’s lecture, known henceforth as the Staferla version (Lecat, 2015), but I have also made use of Patrick Valas’ version (Valas, 2015). When I was in doubt about the text, I referred to Valas’ audio recording (Lacan, 1974).

So Jacques Lacan actually calls this seminar ‘De l’angoisse’ – ‘From the Anguish’. I will start correcting this on both my sites.


I would much appreciate being sent a copy of ‘Entretien avec François Dagognet, un philosophe du médicament, p24. (Interview with François Dagognet, a philosopher of medicine), Mental no 19, Mai 2007, Revue Internationale de Santé Mentale et Psychanalyse Appliquée’ Thank you.

Julia Evans – December 2022


Abasia in a War Trauma : 2nd November 1928 : Drs Trénel & Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan. Also published in Premiers écrits : 23rd January 2023 : Jacques Lacan see this site /4 Jacques Lacan (20230123)


Simultaneous Folie à Deux : 21st May 1931 (Paris) : Doctors H. Claude, P. Migault and J. Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Structures of Paranoid Psychoses : July 1931 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

“Inspired” writings – Schizography : 12th November 1931 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality : 1922b : Sigmund Freud : translated by Jacques Lacan (July to September 1932) : SE XVIII p221-232

Jacques Lacan translated this from Sigmund Freud’s German as he was writing his thesis. This was published in la Revue française de psychanalyse, 1932, tome V, n° 3 (Jul-Sep) p391-401. Available trilingual (German Sigmund Freud, French Jacques Lacan & English James Strachey) at /Lacan (1. Lacan’s 1932 translation of Freud’s paper, Über einige Neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht, Paranoia und Homosexualität along with Strachey’s translation, tri-lingual)

On Paranoid Psychosis in its relationships with the personality, followed by first writings on Paranoia (Aimée) : 7th July 1932 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19320101) or


The Problem of Style and the Psychiatric Conception of Paranoiac Forms of Experience : June 1933 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

On the Problem of Hallucinations : 7/8 October 1933 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Motives of Paranoiac Crime : December 1933 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Two Dreams : 26th November 1934 & 2nd December 1934 : Jacques Lacan


On the work of Eugène Minkowski, Le temps vécu (lived time) : 1935 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Letters to Alexandre Kojève : 21st March 1935, 31st March 1935, 17th May 1935, 30th November 1935, 27th December 1935 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Mirror Stage – 16th June 1936 (Paris), 3rd August 1936 (Marienbad), Published Family Complexes 1938, 17th July 1949 (Zurich), Published Écrits 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Family Complexes in the Formation of the Individual : 1938 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan NOTE : Jacques Lacan delivered a paper ‘Le stade du mirroir’ at the fourteenth International Psychoanalytical Congress, held at Marienbad in August 1936 under the chairmanship of Ernest Jones but it was not published until 1938. Its contents are outlined in his article on the family in the ‘Encyclopedie Française’. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

From Impetus to the Complex : 25th October 1938 : Jacques Lacan


Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty: A New Sophism : March 1945 : Jacques Lacan. .See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19450301) or . Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan

The Number Thirteen and the Logical Form of Suspicion : March 1945 ; Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19450301)


Presentation on Psychical Causality : 28th September 1946 (Bonneval Hospital, Paris ) : Jacques Lacan. Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19460928)

NOTE : Jacques Lacan’s phrase the ‘unfathomable decision of being’ (p177 of French Écrits, p145 of the English Écrits), Bruce Fink translates as ‘unsoundable decision of being’. This appears to be a mistranslation.


British Psychiatry and the War : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Aggressivity in Psychoanalysis : mid-May 1948 (Brussels) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


The Mirror-phase as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience : 17th July 1949 (Zurich International Psychoanalytic Congress) : Jacques Lacan. Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See Mirror Stage : 16th June 1936 (Paris), 3rd August 1936 (Marienbad), 1938, 17th July 1949 (Zurich).. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Two interventions from the same conference

A Theoretical Introduction to the Functions of Psychoanalysis in Criminology : 29th May 1950 (Paris?) : Jacques Lacan. with Michel Cénac. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan

Summary of responses during the discussion of the report “Theoretical introduction to the functions of psychoanalysis in criminology” : 29th May 1950 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan

Intervention into the first World Congress of Psychiatry : 26th September 1950 (Sorbonne, Paris) : Jacques Lacan

Dr Françoise Minkowska – In Memoriam : 17th November 1950 : Jacques Lacan

Publication details, translators, references & notes at /4 Jacques Lacan Download at /Lacan (11. Dr. Françoise Minkowska – In Memoriam)


Some Reflections on the Ego : 2nd May 1951 (London?) : Jacques Lacan

Intervention on the Transference (Paris), Seminar on ‘Dora’ (1950-1951) : 16th October 1951 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19511016) or

Notes on the Wolfman – Four sessions from 1951-1952 : dated 1st November 1951 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19511101) or


The Neurotic’s Individual Myth : 4th March 1953 (Collège de Philosophique, Paris) : Jacques Lacan

SIR Conference Report of the inaugural meeting of SFP, Paris : 8th July 1953 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19530708) or

Letter to Rudolf Loewenstein : 14th July 1953 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19530714) or

Letter to Heinz Hartmann : 21st July 1953 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19530721) or

Rome Discourses – introducing his report : 26th September 1953 (Rome) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19530926) or Also published Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan.

The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis (Rome) : 26th September 1953 : Jacques Lacan : Also known as the Rome Report – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar I, Freud’s Papers on Technique (1953-1954) : from 18th November 1953 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Introduction and reply to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation on Freud’s Verneinung : 10th February 1954 : Jacques Lacan. Published in Écrits, this is a more complete version of Seminar I, 10th February 1954. – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

The Symbol and its Religious Function, Intervention to the Congress of Religious Psychology : September 1954 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19540901)

Seminar II, The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis: 1954-1955: from 17th November 1954 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19541117) or


Variations on the Standard Treatment : 3rd February 1955 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar on ‘The Purloined Letter’ : 26th April 1955 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Psychoanalysis and cybernetics, or on the nature of language : 22nd June 1955 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan

The Freudian Thing or the Meaning of the Return to Freud in Psychoanalysis : 7th November 1955 (Vienna) : Jacques Lacan . See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or or published /Lacan (113. Écrits: La chose freudienne—bilingual, Alan Sheridan translation)

& Preparatory notes, translated from German, for the conference on ‘The Freudian Thing’ : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or or published in French & English /Lacan (68. Notes en allemand préparatoires à la conférence sur la Chose freudienne), Anthony Chadwick’s translation

Seminar III The Psychoses (1955-1956) : from 16th November 1955. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


On a question preliminary to any possible treatment of psychosis : December 1955-January 1956 [1958] : Jacques Lacan. Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (1955 or 1966) or

The Situation of Psychoanalysis and the Training of Psychoanalysts in 1956 : 1956 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Translation of Heidegger’s essay on ‘Heraclitus Logos’ : Winter 1956 – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Comments on Mr Hesnard’s presentation – Reflections on Sigmund Freud’s “Wo Es war; soll Ich werden” : 6th November 1956 : Jacques Lacan

Seminar IV The Relation from Object [La relation d’objet] & Freudian Structures (1956-1957) : from 21st November 1956 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19561121). A copy of this post from has been posted to this site, November 2023. It will be brought up to date shortly on this site..

Fetishism, The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real : 1956 : Jacques Lacan and Wladimir Granoff. . See this site /Lacan (1956) or


The Agency (Insistence or Instance) of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason since Freud (Sorbonne, Paris) : 9th May 1957. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (May 1957)

Interview : 31st May 1957 : Jacques Lacan with Madeleine Chapsal

Seminar V The Formations of the Unconscious (1957-1958) : from 6th November 1957 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Guiding Remarks for a Congress on Feminine Sexuality : 1958 [Presented on 5th September 1960 (Amsterdam)] : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

The Meaning (or Signification) of the Phallus (Munich) : 9th May 1958 (Munich) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19580509) or

True Psychoanalysis, and False : June 1958 : Jacques Lacan. Also p165-174 of Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19580601)

The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of its Power/ The Rules of the Cure and the Lures of its Power : 10th July 1958 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar VI Desire and its Interpretation (1958-1959) : from 12th November 1958 : Jacques Lacan. & additional translations of Wednesday 15th April 1959 (The object Ophelia), Wednesday 22nd April 1959 (Desire & Mourning), Wednesday 29th April 1959 (Phallophany). See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Seminar VII Ethics (1959-1960) : from 18th November 1959 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Discussion during Seminar VII : 3rd February 1960 : Jacques Lacan, with Victor Nikolaevitch Smirnoff or Smirnov, Xavier Audourd, Jean Laplanche, & Unknown. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19591118) See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19600203)

Lecture I, Regarding Morality, Freud Has What it Takes : 9th March 1960 (Faculté Universitaire Saint-Louis, Brussels) : Jacques Lacan

Lecture II, Can Psychoanalysis Constitute the Kind of Ethics Necessitated by our Times? : 10th March 1960 (Faculté Universitaire Saint-Louis, Brussels) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19600310) or

The Metaphor of the Subject : 23rd June 1960 : Jacques Lacan. Also Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. Published in the Écrits : 1966 (See this site /4 Jacques Lacan, 1966 (Jacques Lacan in English)). See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19600623) or /Lacan or

Letter to Donald Winnicott : 5th August 1960 : Jacques Lacan

The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire : 19-23 September 1960 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

The Position of the Unconscious : 31st October 1960 (Bonneval Hospital) : Jacques Lacan. Also Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19601031) or

Seminar VIII Transference (1960-1961) : From 16th November 1960 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19601116) or


Merleau-Ponty, In Memorium : September 1961 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits: 2001 : Jacques Lacan

Seminar IX Identification (1961-1962) : from 15th November 1961: Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Journées Provinciales, Annuale 1962-1963 – Introduction to the seminar on Anguish (l’Angoisse not Anxiety) : 21st October 1962 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar X – The Anguish (L’angoisse) (1962-1963) : from 14th November 1962 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Kant with Sade : April 1963 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Minute – The Study Group SFP [Société Français de Psychoanalyse) & Report to the Meeting : 2nd August 1963 : The International Psychoanalytical Association. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (August 1963) or

Introduction to the Names-of-the-Father Seminar : 20th November 1963 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19631120) or


On Freud’s “Trieb” and the Psychoanalyst’s Desire : 7th to 12th January 1964 (Rome) : Jacques Lacan

Seminar XI The Four Fundamental Concepts (1963-1964) : from 15th January 1964 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

The Founding Act : 21st June 1964 : Jacques Lacan. See also, Note for the Year Book : 28th February 1971 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar XII Crucial Problems for Psychoanalysis (1964-1965) : from 2nd December 1964 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19641202) or


Summary of Seminar XI, The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis : July 1965 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19650701). Commentary : 10th June 1995 (Dublin) : Cormac Gallagher, see

Homage to Marguerite Duras, on ‘Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein’ : December 1965 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar XIII The Object of Psychoanalysis (1965-1966) : from 1st December 1965 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19651201 or index) or

Seminar XIII- Science & Truth : 1st December 1965 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19651201 or Index) or Also published in Écrits : October 1966


The place of psychoanalysis in medicine : 16th February 1966 (La Salpetrière, Paris) : Jacques Lacan

Responses to Students of Philosophy Concerning the Object of Psychoanalysis : 19th February 1966 : Jacques Lacan

Account of Seminar XII, Crucial Problems for Psychoanalysis (1964-1965) : 5th April 1966 : Jacques Lacan

Écrits : October 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Écrits : Overture to this Collection : October 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (October 1966)

Index zs : L’objet et son concept – Indexation des Écrits de Jacques Lacan : 1988 : Christian Hoffmann & Réferences de Lacan au texte de Freud I. de 1882 à 1913 : Marie Guastalla & Références de Lacan au texte de Freud II. De 1914 à 1939 : Marie Guastalla : Published by /Lacan (74. Lacan’s references to Freud’s texts)

Symposium “The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man” at The Johns Hopkins Center, Baltimore, USA, 18th – 21st October 1966. Jacques Lacan’s published contribution to this international symposium and his contribution to the discussion of two papers.

See : Richard Macksey & Eugenio Donato (Eds) : ‘The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man: the Structuralist Controversy’ : 18th to 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA) at this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19661018)

Literary Invention :18th October 1966 : Charles Morazé & Discussion by Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19661018)

Structure: Human Reality and Methodological Concept :18th October 1966 : Lucien Goldman with Discussion by Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19661018)

Of Structure as an inmixing of an Otherness prerequisite to Any Subject Whatever : 20th October 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site/ 4 Jacques Lacan (19661018)

Presentation of the ‘Memoirs’ of President Schreber in French translation : November 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Interview with Paolo Caruso : 11th November 1966 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar XIV The logic of phantasy (1966-1967) : from 16th November 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /Lacan (19661116)

Interview with Pierre Daix ; 26th November 1966 : Jacques Lacan

Wanting psychoanalysis to become a plague again : 1st December 1966 : Gilles Lapouge interviewing Jacques Lacan

Little Discourse on the ORTF : 2nd December 1966 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits: 2001 : Jacques Lacan

Sartre against Lacan, battle lost but… : 29th December 1966 : Gilles Lapouge interviews Jacques Lacan

Homage to Lewis Carroll : 31st December 1966 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19661231) or


My teaching, its nature and its ends (Bordeaux) : 20th April 1967 : Jacques Lacan

So you will have heard Lacan (Strasbourg) : 10th June 1967 : Jacques Lacan

Report of Seminar XIII ‘Object of Psychoanalysis’ : July 1967 : Jacques Lacan.

The place, origin and end of my teaching (Lyon) : October 1967 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19671001) or

Proposition of 9 October 1967 on the Psychoanalyst of the School : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19671009)

Address on Child Psychosis (Maison de la Chimie, à Paris ) : 22nd October 1967 : Jacques Lacan. -This is also known as Concluding Remarks to the Study Day on Child Psychosis. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19671022) or Related text : Note on the Closing Statement on Child Psychosis : 26th September 1968 : Jacques Lacan

Conference sur la Psychanalyse et la Formation du Psychiatre à Ste Anne Hôpital, Paris : 10th November 1967 : Jacques Lacan. -This is not translated. Given as part of the Cercle d’études psychiatriques created by Dr Henri Ey. See École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse/ Pas-Tout Lacan at : Available

Seminar XV The Psychoanalytic Act (1967-1968) : from 15th November 1967 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19671115)

Speech to the École freudienne de Paris on the Proposition : 6th December 1967 : Jacques Lacan

The Mistaking of the Subject Supposed to Know : 14th December 1967 (Naples) : Jacques Lacan

From Rome ’53 to Rome ’67, Psychoanalysis – Reason for Failure/Defeat : 15th December 1967 : Jacques Lacan

On Psychoanalysis in its Relationships to Reality (Milan) : 18th December 1967 : Jacques Lacan


Interview – The Psychoanalyst’s Point of View, “Neuroses and Psychoses: Where Does Abnormal Begin?” : Published 13th May 1968 : Jacques Lacan

Summary of the Seminar XIV The Logic of the Phantasy (1966-1967) : July 1968 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan 19680701). Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (20010101 or the index) or /Lacan

Note on the Closing Statement on Child Psychosis : 26th September 1968 : Jacques Lacan Related text : Address on Child Psychosis (Maison de la Chimie, à Paris ) : 22nd October 1967 : Jacques Lacan

What Freud made of History. Notes on : A Seventeenth-century Demonological Neurosis (1922) – known as ‘Note on the Father and Universalism’ : 12th October 1968 (Strasbourg) : Jacques Lacan’s Intervention on Mr de Certeau’s presentation – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar XVI From an other to the Other (1968-1969) : from 13th November 1968 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19681113)


On a Reform in its Hole : 3rd February 1969 : Jacques Lacan

Summary of Seminar XV The Psychoanalytic Act (1967-1968) : 10th June 1969 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan

Note on the Child : October 1969 : Jacques Lacan. Also in Autres Écrits: 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19691001) or

Seminar XVII: Psychoanalysis upside down/The reverse side of psychoanalysis/The Other Side of Psychoanalysis (1969-1970) : from 26th November 1969 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Analyticon, Impromptu No. 1 : 3rd December 1969 (Vincennes) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19691203)

Preface to the Pocket Edition of the Écrits : 14th December 1969 : Jacques Lacan

Preface to ‘Jacques Lacan’ by Anika Lemaire : 25th December 1969 : Jacques Lacan


Radiophonie : 9th April 1970 : Jacques Lacan
a) Radiophonie recorded : 9th April 1970
b) Radiophonie : Seminar XVII Session of 9th April 1970
c) Radiophonie the broadcast : June 1970
d) Radiophonie written version published : December 1970. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19700409) or

Extract from Radiophonie : April 1970 : Jacques Lacan & Extract from Ordinary Psychosis : 1999 : Éric Laurent. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19700409) or Download at /Lacan (Radiophonie)

On the Greek Conception of Education and the Teaching of Psychoanalysis : 17th April 1970 (Paris) Jacques Lacan

Talk on Teaching : 19th April 1970 : Jacques Lacan

Interview on the steps of the Pantheon : 13th May 1970 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan. See also Seminar XVII : 13th May 1970. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19700513) or Jacques Lacan.

Analyticon 2 – Impromptu Number 2 : 4th June 1970 (Vincennes) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19700604)

Annexes 3, Introduction (Liminaire) : September 1970 : Jacques Lacan


Seminar XVIII On a discourse that might not be a semblance [semblant] (1971) : from 13th January 1971 : Jacques Lacan. Preparatory notes for 9th June 1971 – a man and a woman, are linked in this post. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Note for the Year Book : 28th February 1971 : Jacques Lacan. See also ‘Founding Act’ 21st June 1964: Jacques Lacan. Also Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan

Tokyo Discourse : 21st April 1971 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Lituraterre : 12th May 1971: Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar XIX a (1971-1972) The Savoir of the Psychoanalyst or The Psychoanalyst’s Knowledge – Seven Talks at St Anne’s Hospital : from 4th November 1971 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar XIX (1971-72) …Ou pire …Or worse : from 8th December 1971 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Preface to the Japanese Edition of the Écrits,: 27th January 1972 : Jacques Lacan. . See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19720127)

On Psychoanalytic Discourse – the Capitalist’s Discourse (Milan) : 12th May 1972

L’Étourdit : 14th July 1972 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or Also Autres Ecrits : 2001: Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or /Lacan

The Death is from the Field of the Faith : 13th October 1972 (Louvain) : Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan interviewed by Françoise Wolff after the Louvain Conference : 14th October 1972

Extraordinary session of the Belgian School of Psychoanalysis : 14th October 1972 : Jacques Lacan

Seminar XX Encore (1972–1973) : From 21st November 1972 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Intervention by François Recanati into Seminar XX : 12th December 1972 : François Recanati & Jacques Lacan


Postface to the French Edition of Seminar XI : January 1973 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19730101). Also published in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (20010101 or Index of Jacques Lacan’s texts)

Psychoanalysis in its reference to THE Sexual Relationship [rapport] : 3rd February 1973 (Milan) : Jacques Lacan. . See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19730203)

Excursus; Intervention in a meeting organised by the Scuola freudiana : 4th February 1973 (Milan) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19730204)

Account (Summary) of Seminar XIX …Or worse : July 1973 : Jacques Lacan

Note to the Italians : April 1973 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (April 1973)

Declaration to France-Culture Concerning the 28th International Congress of Psychoanalysis : 1st July 1973 : Jacques Lacan

Introduction to a first volume of the Écrits (Walter Verlag) or Introduction to the German Edition of the Écrits : 7th October 1973 : Jacques Lacan

On the Experience of the Pass : 3rd November 1973 (Afternoon in Paris) : Jacques Lacan

XXI Les non-dupes errant (1973-1974) : from 13th November 1973 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or


Improvisation – Death Wish, Dream & Wakefulness : 1974 : Jacques Lacan answering a question from Catherine Millot See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19740101)

Television : Broadcast 31st January 1974, Edited & recorded October & November 1973 : Jacques Lacan interviewed by Jacques-Alain Miller. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Alla Scuola Freudiana : 30th March 1974 (Milan) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Preface to Frank Wedekind’s The Spring’s Awakening : 1st September 1974: Jacques Lacan. See this site /4Jacques Lacan (19740901)

Peut-Être à Vincennes. . . : Autumn 1974 (30/9/1974) : Jacques Lacan

Press Conference at the French Cultural Centre, Rome (The Triumph of Religion) : 29th October 1974 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (October 1974) or

The Third : 1st November 1974 (7th conference of L’École freudienne de Paris, in Rome) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar XXII – R. S. I. (1974-1975) : from 19th November 1974 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19741119) or

Freud Forever – An Interview with Panorama : 21st November 1974 (Rome) : Jacques Lacan with Emilia Granzotto

The Lacanian Phenomenon : 30th November 1974 (Nice) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Presentation and discussion of the Case of Mlle Boyer : 1975 ? : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Introduction to a cartels’ working session : 26th January 1975 (Strasbourg) : Jacques Lacan replying to Marcel Ritter. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Conference in London (The French Institute) : 2nd February 1975 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Closing Address, Study days of the cartels of the École freudienne, (includes Religions and the Real) : 12th & 13th April, 1975 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19750412) or

Remarks following André Albert’s presentation (On Pleasure and the Fundamental Rule) : 14th June 1975 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan : See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19750614)

Joyce the Symptôm (Sinthôme) I & II : 16th June 1975 : Jacques Lacan. The two versions of this are both given in this post. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Geneva Lecture on the Symptom : 4th October1975 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Seminar XXIII The Sinthome or Joyce and the Sinthome (1975-1976) : from 18th November 1975 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or

Conversation with Students, Yale University : 24th November 1975 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19751124) or

Kanzer Seminar, Yale University : 24th November 1975 : Jacques Lacan

Yale University, Law School Auditorium : 25th November 1975 : Jacques Lacan

Columbia University Auditorium, School of International Affairs : 1st December 1975 : Jacques Lacan

MIT Lecture on Topology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) : 2nd December 1975 : Jacques Lacan


Presentation at Lacan’s Seminar XXIII : 20th January 1976 (Paris) : Jacques Aubert

Presentation: “On James Joyce as Symptom” : 24th January 1976 (Nice)

A Lacanian Psychosis : 12th February 1976 : An encounter between Gérard Primeau & Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19760212)

À propos of transsexualism, Interview with Michel H : 21st February 1976 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19760221) or /Lacan (100. Entretien avec Michel H. ; À propos de transsexualisme—bilingual)

Presentation & Interview of Mme Annie Cheval : 12th March 1976 (Paris?) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19760312) or bilingual /Lacan (103. Présentation de Mme A. Cheval)

Preface to the English-language edition of Seminar XI : 17th May 1976 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19760517) or Also in Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan.

Introductory Note to 11th October 1976 – The split of 1953 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19761011)

Seminar XXIV : ‘L’insu que sait de l’une-bévue s’aile à mourre.’ : 1976-1977 : begins 16th November 1976 : Jacques Lacan


Opening of the Clinical Section : 8th January 1977 : Jacques Lacan

Remarks on Hysteria : 26th February 1977 (Brussels) : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19770226) or

Seminar XXV The Moment to Conclude (1977-1978) : from 15th November 1977 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19771115)

Preface to the work of Robert Georgin : 12th December 1977 : Jacques Lacan


The Experience of the Pass (Deauville) : 8th January 1978 : Jacques Lacan

Aristotle’s Dream : 1st June 1978 (UNESCO, Paris) : Jacques Lacan

Transfer to Saint Denis? Lacan for Vincennes! There are four discourses : 22nd October 1978 : Jacques Lacan. Includes the quote ‘tout le monde est fou c’est-à-dire délirant’ or ‘everyone is mad that is to say delusional’. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar XXVI Topology and time (1978-1979) : from 21st November 1978 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Letter of Dissolution : 5th January 1980 – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! The Other is Missing [The Other lacks] : 15th January 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! Letter to Le Monde : 24th January 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! Delenda est : 10th March 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! D’Écolage (Unschooling) : 11th March 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution – Speech : 15th March 1980 (P. L. M. St Jacques Hotel, Paris) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! Monsieur A. : 18th March 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! Lumière (Light) ! : 15th April 1980 : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Dissolution! Le Malentendu- the Misunderstanding/Misapprehension : 10th June 1980 (Paris) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan

Seminar XXVII Dissolution! Overture to the First International Encounter of the Freudian Field : 12th July 1980 (Caracas, Venezuela) : Jacques Lacan – See this site /4 Jacques Lacan


Autres Ecrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan or & also English translations of Autres Écrits published bilingual at /Lacan


Premiers écrits : 23rd January 2023 : Jacques Lacan, See this site /4 Jacques Lacan