In Julia Evans’ note (2011) to The ‘TRUTH’ of Kant’s moral law : Fantasy and the Limits of Enjoyment : 1st October 2003 : Jean-Louis Gault ( Julia Evans states

This greeting – “To those who still love me” – is omitted from the text.

Jean-Louis Gault states that he received this letter in 1980, so this letter opened with ‘To those who still love me’.

However the following also includes this quote :.

It is the School of my students, those who still love me. I open its doors to them. I say to the thousand: ‘This is worth the risk. It is the only solution possible – and decent.’” Jacques Lacan in a letter dated 26th January 1981.

From Dynasty by Sherry Turkle, (a review of Jacques Lacan and Co: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985 by Elisabeth Roudinesco, translated by Jeffrey Mehlman. Free Association (December 1990)), London Review of Books Vol. 12 No. 23 · 6 December 1990.

Jacques Lacan may have repeated this affirmation in January 1981 – a year later.

In English :

a) Lacan’s letter (1980) : translated by Oscar Zentner : Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne : vol 1 : p 2-5 : 1980

b) Letter of Dissolution (1980) : translated by Jeffrey Mehlman : October vol 40 : 1987 : p128-130

Reprinted in Joan Copjec (ed) : 1990 : Television/A challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment : New York NY : W. W. Norton and Company. : See

Available /lacan

c) Translations a) & b) & by Encyclopedia of Lacanian Analysis bilingual at /Lacan (77. AUTRES ÉCRITS Lettre de dissolution [5 Jan. 1980]—3 translations)

In French :

a) Lettre de dissolution : Ornicar ? : 1980 : vol 20/21 : p9-10

b) P317-322 of Autres Écrits: 2001 : Jacques Lacan : Index at or : ‘Lettre de dissolution’

c) École de Psychanalyse – Pas tout Lacan here : available here or Lettre de dissolution

Related texts :

NOTE First search this site,, for any updated text, then go to for the links to texts by Jacques Lacan as at December 2022.! Lumière! (Light) : 15th April 1980 : Jacques Lacan! The Misunderstanding or Mis-Heard : Paris, 10th June 1980 : Jacques Lacan

Further texts

Dossier on the Institutional Debate, An Introduction : 1990 : Joan Copjec Search then go to


NOTE : If the following are not available at, this site, then go to / or go to for the links to texts as at December 2022.

LW cartel: Jouissance & symbolic (dis)order : 30th July 2011 : Julia Evans or

Big Bang ! (LQ 21) : 9th September 2011 : Eric Laurent or

The ‘TRUTH’ of Kant’s moral law : Fantasy and the Limits of Enjoyment : 1st October 2003 : Jean-Louis Gault or

Also P317-319 of Autres Écrits: 2001 : Jacques Lacan or