UPDATE February 2023

First search this site, LW.org /5 Authors A-Z (Evans), for any updated text,

Second, go to www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /authors a-z (Evans)

then go to https://web.archive.org/web/20221205223226/https://lacanianworks.net/?p=12365 or https://web.archive.org/web/20221209135017/https://lacanianworks.net/2022/08/index-of-texts-by-julia-evans/ for the links to texts as at December 2022, before www.LacanianWorks.net was hacked.


This is an index of Julia Evans’ texts published on www.LacanianWorks.org (LW.org) formerly on www.LacanianWorks.net (LW.net). This was first posted on 4th November 2019. She is a practicing Lacanian Psychoanalyst and has this site (LW.org) and www.LacanianWorksExchange.net. In the transfer of texts from www.LacanianWorks.net to www.LacanianWorks.org some texts may not have reappeared as yet. Please go to https://web.archive.org and type in lacanianworks.net – go to the calendar and pick a date – or go to https://oldweb.today or contact Julia Evans for access to missing texts.

Pictures on the Slider – index & connection to Freud/Lacan : 8th February 2023 : Julia Evans, See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or by date (February 2023)
Comment on how Jacques Lacan’s texts grow or shrink over time! : 11th March 2022 : Julia Evans
Seminar IV 6th March 1957 – Reversing Sense : 1st March 2022 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20230123020500/http://lacanianworks.net/2022/03/seminar-iv-6th-march-1957-reversing-sense-1st-march-2022-julia-evans/
Seminar IV 27th February 1957 – The Anorexic Gap : 1st February 2022 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20221005085947/https://lacanianworks.net/2022/02/seminar-iv-27th-february-1957-the-anorexic-gap/
The UK’s Privy Council’s production via regulation of the one treatment, excluding all others, from the area known as Mental Health : 27th September 2021 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or /2 Engagement with beyond (Use of Power) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142612/https://lacanianworks.net/2021/09/the-privy-councils-production-via-regulation-of-the-one-treatment-excluding-all-others-from-the-area-known-as-mental-health-27th-september-2021-julia-evans/
Two Forms of Body : 7th July 2021 (Zoom) : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142850/https://lacanianworks.net/2021/07/two-forms-of-body-7th-july-2021-zoom-julia-evans/
The Royal College of Psychiatrists & Lacanian in the UK – Comments following Éric Laurent’s ‘The Culture of Abusive Treatments’ (LQ 930/LRO 308 – 8th January 2021) : Julia Evans : 3rd July 2021. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or by date (July 2021)
Treating Shell Shock – re-conceptualising what worked : 12th March 2021 (Zoom Intercartel Meeting) : Julia Evans
A reflection on cartel work examining COVID-19 : 25th October 2020 : Julia Evans
Some familiar phrases of Jacques Lacan put in context : 17th October 2020 : Julia Evans
Jacques Lacan’s use of ‘pandemic’ & their context : 21st June 2020 : Julia Evans
THE PANDEMIC versus a pandemic – Cartel Opening Statement : 25th April 2020 : Julia Evans
Jacques Lacan’s use of ‘pandemic’ & their context : 21st June 2020 : Julia Evans
Some familiar phrases of Jacques Lacan put in context : 17th October 2020 : Julia Evans
Alliance for Counselling & Psychotherapy Newsletter – SCoPEd & a new APPG? : 31st October 2019 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or /2 Engagement with beyond (Use of Power) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135347/https://lacanianworks.net/2019/10/alliance-for-counselling-psychotherapy-newsletter-scoped-a-new-appg/
Jacques Lacan cuts between the real/ly-symbolic (RS) & symbolically-real (SR) (a cartel ending/work-in-progress presentation)[a] : 17th July 2019 (London) : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans Julia or Index of Julia Evans’ texts) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142558/https://lacanianworks.net/2019/07/a-work-in-progress-report-of-trauma-and-urgency-cartel-2018-2019/
Against UK political moves towards Statutory Legislation & locking out the clinics of all practitioners who do not comply : 17th March 2019 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or /2 Engagement with beyond (Use of Power) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210917034039/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12319
Newsletter against the BACP, BPC & UKCPs’ SCoPEd project : 8th February 2019 : Alliance for Counselling & Psychotherapy, compiled by Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or /2 Engagement with beyond (Use of Power) or https://web.archive.org/web/20190218144744/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12311
Why is trauma urgent? : 4th February 2019 : Julia Evans, See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or this site /f) Trauma (1 A Lacanian Clinic /C Cartel or group work )
Three leading professional regulatory bodies create a new competence framework : 15th January 2019 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or 2 Engagement with beyond ( Government Action /(b) Ethics & Treatments or d) Training & Supervision of Practitioners) or Use of Power /2 Engagement with Beyond or https://web.archive.org/web/20210922055324/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12307
Notice – Availability of texts from LacanianWorks (incursions into LW December 2018 & December 2022) : 7th December 2018 : Julia Evans
Context for the APPG’s survey on prescribed drug dependence : 30th November 2018 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135400/https://lacanianworks.net/2018/11/the-context-for-the-appgs-survey-on-prescribed-drug-dependence/
The progress of a bill against Conversion Therapy – a reply from the Minister for Women & Equalities : 12th November 2018 : Julia Evans
Further on the progress of the Counsellors and Psychotherapy Regulation Bill (Conversion Therapy) : 30th October 2018 : Julia Evans
Opposing the Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) and Conversion Therapy Bill : 23rd August 2018 : Julia Evans
Sigmund Freud’s Dream of Irma’s Injection – notes : 18th January 2023 (originally published 20th August 2018) : Julia Evans. See this site / Irma’s Injection (1 A Lacanian Clinic /2a) Cartel or group work/ 3. Dream/ ) or / Evans Julia (5 Other Authors A-Z)
Notes for a discussion on the clinic of trauma : 9th May 2018 (London) : Julia Evans
Comments on ‘Gene map for depression’ sparks hopes of new generation of treatments : 30th April 2018 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
‘The irreducibility of a form of transmission’ : a case study : 15th March 2018 : Julia Evans
Julia Evans’ contribution to the Department of Health’s October 2017 consultation : 18th January 2018 : Julia Evans
Jacques Lacan’s intervention, Gestapo or Geste à peau – an evolving discussion : 30th November 2017 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135337/https://lacanianworks.net/2017/11/jacques-lacans-intervention-gestapo-or-geste-a-peau-an-evolving-discussion/
The Analyst’s Position – Part 2 : 5th November 2017 (London) : Julia Evans
The Analyst’s Position – Part 1 : 26th October 2017 (London) : Julia Evans
Tracing Stages linked to Libido in Freud : 24th October 2017 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or by date
A preliminary engagement with ‘Psychoanalytic Violence – An Essay in Indifference in Ethical Matters’ : 30th July 2017 : Julia Evans : See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210412140916/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12133
Commentary on Maurice Bouvet’s description of Object Relations Theory (Seminar IV) : 27th July 2017 (Clinical Group Meeting) : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Notes & references for Jacques Lacan’s Seminar IV 28th November 1956 : 2nd July 2017 : Julia Evans. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19561128) or /this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans Julia) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210303212759/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12126 .
Commentary on Maurice Bouvet’s case of Obsessional Neurosis (Seminar IV) : a reconstruction of the case : 15th June 2017 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
What makes the initial interventions by an analyst work? : 1st April 2017 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210412141041/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12112
Notes & References for Jacques Lacan’s Seminar IV 21st November 1956 : 28th February 2017 : Julia Evans. . See this site /Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210917043708/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12124
A Personal View – the Killings in Orlando and Birstall : 19th June 2016 : Julia Evans
Ordinary Psychosis: elaborations of James I/VI, Hamlet & Oedipus : 28th November 2015 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135345/https://lacanianworks.net/2015/11/11956/
The beyond of Hamlet – Some historical background – Towards Dublin July 2016 : 21st October 2015 : Julia Evans See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z or https://web.archive.org/web/20210412120127/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11944
Sigmund Freud’s case of President Daniel Paul Schreber : 2nd September 2015 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or / e) President Schreber (1 A Lacanian Clinic)
Availability of Daniel Paul Schreber’s Memoirs of my nervous illness & many of the commentaries : 2nd September 2015 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or / e) President Schreber (1 A Lacanian Clinic)
Quote: ….. is one of extreme pragmatism based on a cost-benefit analysis that apparently excludes moral accounting : The Guardian : 14th February 2015 : Julia Evans
Schreber’s case revisited with echoes noted in the family of Fred West : 11th January 2015 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z or https://web.archive.org/web/20210917041525/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11364
An Examination of ‘Learned Helplessness’ : 11th December 2014 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135345/https://lacanianworks.net/2014/12/an-examination-of-learned-helplessness/
Psychical reality in action : 18th September 2014 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220928232011/https://lacanianworks.net/2014/09/psychical-reality-in-action/
How are Freud & Lacan evidence-based? : 15th September 2014 : Julia Evans
Reason for ‘Interrogating Freud & Lacan’ & how you may join in : 14th July 2014 : Julia Evans
The death drive in 4th & 18th May 1960 : Notes from the Seminar VII Reading Group of 10th May 2014 : 10th May 2014 : Julia Evans
Sigmund Freud & Hilda Doolittle : a transference contextualised : 28th April 2014 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210413173528/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=4644
Seminar VI : 3rd June 1959 : Ernest Jones & the term castration complex :16th April 2014 : Julia Evans
Related text : The Theory of Symbolism : 29th January 1916 (London) : Ernest Jones
Notes on Seminar VII : 11th May 1960 : p227 : the fable of Adam and Eve : 10th April 2014 : Julia Evans
Pierre Kaufmann’s Commentary on Sigfried Bernfeld & Sergei Feitelberg’s Death Drive & Entropy, Seminar VII, 27th April 1960, p204-205, Notes towards Reading Group of 22nd February 2014 : 2nd February 2014 : Julia Evans
Other notes from the Reading Seminar VII Group www.LacanianWorks.org /1 A Lacanian Clinic /From the clinic /i) Cartel or group work /k) Seminar VII, Jacques Lacan
Jacques Lacan’s comments on the Dream ‘fresh brains’ : 30th January 2014 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210307094028/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=1342
Transmission according to Jacques Lacan : 3rd January 2014 : Julia Evans
Discussion of Seminar VII 20th March 1960 – continued comments on Jacques Lacan’s previous engagement in Brussels : 30th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Discussion of Seminar VII 16th March 1960 – Can Psychoanalysis Constitute the Kind of Ethics Necessitated by our Times? : 30th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Politics, ethics, regulation and the talking therapies – current positions emerging from Parliamentary debate : 20th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Notes from Seminar VII 2nd March 1960 p155 – Interventions by Pierre Kaufmann on Siegfried Bernfeld’s work : 9th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 2nd March 1960 (p156-159) – Pierre Kaufmann’s intervention : 9th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 2nd March 1960 p156 – Comments on Sigmund Freud’s ‘Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality’ : 9th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 2nd March 1960 p157 – Freud & Infantile Sexuality : 9th November 2013 : Julia Evans
Tracking Jacques Lacan’s use of ‘logos’ : 30th October 2013 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20200813120833/https://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=1261
Work capability assessments for those with NICE/DSM defined mental illness : 27th October 2013 : Julia Evans
If sadism is rooted in the fear of being human, what does it say about these cruel, unempathetic times we live in? : 25th October 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 9th March 1960 p164 : Missing intervention by Mme Hubert – Reading Group of 19th October 2013 : 19th October 2013 : Julia Evans
Notes from Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 p133 : Interventions by Xavier Audouard & Jean Laplanche on René Spitz & the function of ‘rooting’ – Reading Group : 28th September 2013 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Notes from Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 – Victor Smirnov’s comments on René Spitz’s ‘Yes & No’ (p132-133) : 7th September 2013 (Reading Group) : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 p129 – Discussion of ‘function of sublimation with reference to the Thing.’ : 7th September 2013 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Affects – the discussion in Seminar VII 26th November 1958 (p32), developed in 20th January 1960 (p102) : 1st June 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 20th January 1960 (p106) : Request for help with a reference : 1st June 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 13th January 1960, p92, “is desire conscious or unconscious?” – May 4th 2013 Meeting of Reading Group (Dream of the Botanical Monograph or the Cyclamen Dream) : 22nd April 2013 : Julia Evans
Notes on Seminar VII, 13th January 1960 (p91) – What is the reference to ‘Communicating Vases’? : 20th April 2013 (Reading Group) : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Comments on ‘A woman is authorised by herself’: An example of THE feminine: Margaret Thatcher? : 16th April 2013 : Julia Evans
A competition between the UK Government, the Medical Model via psychiatrists & the Mormons for the correct definition of the science of mental health : 18th April 2013 : Julia EvansNotes on Seminar VII 23rd December 1959, p81–1st and 2nd paragraph, ‘I am what I am’ : Group of 23rd March 2013 : Julia Evans
Preliminary notes from Seminar VII 2nd & 9th December 1959, p38 & p48 (Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis’ intervention on Entwurf – meeting on 5th January 2013 & 8th December 2012 : 9th January 2013 : Julia Evans
Notes from the Reading Seminar VII Group on 5th January 2013 & 8th December 2012 (Seminar VII 2nd & 9th December 1959 p48) : 5th January 2013 : Julia Evans
Notes from the Reading Seminar VII Group on 5th January 2013 & 8th December 2012 (Seminar VII 2nd & 9th December 1959 p48) : 5th January 2013 : Julia Evans
Preliminary notes from Seminar VII 2nd & 9th December 1959 p38 & p48 (Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis’ intervention on Entwurf – meeting on 5th January 2013 & 8th December 2012 : 9th January 2013 : Julia Evans
Seminar VII 2nd December 1959 p35 to 48, An intervention by Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis on Sigmund Freud’s Project (Entwurf) – Reading Group of 8th December 2012 : 8th December 2012 : Julia Evans
What the Government’s strategy of implementation by force produces – fear, and worse : 1st December 2012 : Julia Evans
‘Will you walk into my parlour?’ said the spider to the fly: An invitation from the Government-guaranteed supplier of risk-free treatments. : 1st December 2012 : Julia Evans
Trust is the issue……. : 17th November 2012 : Julia Evans
Tracking Dream – Child aged 10 months dream of strawberries (31st October 1897) Sigmund Freud : 16th November 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site / Dream of Strawberries (1 A Lacanian Clinic/ C Cartel or group work / c) Interpretation of Dreams & Dreams ) or Evans Julia (5 Other Authors A-Z) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210117154052/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=626
Notes from Seminar VII 25th November 1959 p27 to 34 (Diagram p34 corrected) – November 2012 Reading group : 15th November 2012 : Julia Evans
Happiness is too close to hedonism – George Vaillent, Comment on ‘Today programme’ : 14th November 2012 : Julia Evans
The exchange between Earl Howe, the Department of Health and Julia Evans during October. My reply will be posted shortly. : 30th October 2012 : Julia Evans
Notes on p19-27 of Seminar VII 25th November 1959 (Dreams of ‘strawberries’ & ‘dead father’) : 27th October 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /Dream of Strawberries (1 A Lacanian Clinic/ C Cartel or group work / c) Interpretation of Dreams & Dreams ) or /Evans Julia (Other Authors A-Z) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135347/https://lacanianworks.net/2012/10/notes-on-p19-27-of-seminar-vii-25th-november-1959-reading-group-of-27th-october/
Further comments on ‘perverse jouissance’- Seminar VII 18th November 1959 : 22nd October 2012 : Julia Evans
Mental Health: as standard or other… : 22nd October 2012 : Julia Evans
Giles Fraser reinterpretes ‘Kant avec Sade’ around Occupy London at St Paul’s : 14th October 2012 : Julia Evans
Notes on Seminar VII 18th November 1959, p7-15 (Wo es war …, & polymorphous perversion, & Jouissance/Happiness definition) : 6th October 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans Julia) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142654/https://lacanianworks.net/2012/10/notes-on-seminar-vii-18th-november-1959-from-page-7-to-15/
CHRE (PSA) trumpets its success in creating a ghetto of wellbeing practitioners who are compliant (for a fee) to the Government’s fantasy of safeguarding : 3rd October 2012 : Julia Evans
CHRE (PSA) reports on how they are progressing in their regulatory capture of ‘talking therapists’ onto their ‘voluntary registers’ regulated by statute……. : 17th September 2012 : Julia Evans
Notes from p1–7 of Seminar VII from the 21-09-12 Reading Group Meeting (Wo es War, … & perverse jouissance) : 15th September 2012 : Julia Evans
Do the ‘evidence-based’ results of brain scanning debunk Freud both scientifically and in the clinic? : 5th September 2012 : Julia Evans
Reading Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VII Ethics – Back book cover : 7th July 2012 : Julia Evans English context of Autism in relation to medical and other political formulations : 30th June 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210918231716/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=388
The conflict comes when we separate ethics and economic progress and when we equate the latter with happiness, Desmond Tutu and Bettina Gronblom : 4th April 2012 : Julia Evans

Notes on references by Jacques Lacan to Plato’s ‘Meno’, Nicolas Cusanus, Michel de Montaigne… : 16th March 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210225170226/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=281
Research which aims to understand and prevent adverse effects of psychological therapies – yes, really : 8th March 2012 : Julia Evans
Simplification is necessary in research. But it has limitations in providing a grand theory of everything. : 3rd March 2012 : Julia Evans
Sadeian power, the UK Government… & CON-sultations : 3rd February 2012 : Julia Evans
Boundaries : 21st January 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135341/https://lacanianworks.net/2012/01/boundaries-17th-january-2012-julia-evans/
Three contexts or meanings within which the talking therapies are held… : 19th January 2012 : Julia Evans
The Sadeian position in Jacques Lacan’s Seminar X & LacanianWorks posts : 16th January 2012 : Julia Evans. See this site /Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210307083903/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=235
What’s new?
– Clinical decisions within current paradigms – Two case studies &
– Seminar X: Anxiety (or Dread) a) references b) Kierkegaard : 29th December 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /Authors A-Z (Evans Julia) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142609/https:/lacanianworks.net/2011/12/whats-new-clinical-decisions-within-current-paradigms-two-case-studies-seminar-x-anxiety-or-dread-a-references-b-kierkegaard/
Some relations between Jacques Lacan and Søren Kierkegaard: Seminars II, VII, X, XVII, XX & two of the Écrits : 16th December 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210412120320/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=209
Jacques Lacan’s texts on the principles of power as applied to a treatment and tackling power and control within psychoanalytic organisations : 24th November 2011 : Julia Evans
Further explorations of Freud’s 1921 enquiry ‘There must (therefore) be the possibility of transforming group psychology into individual psychology’ : 12th November 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210225164929/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=170
Further exploration of limits and groups and their links to others in the context of the August riots : 8th October 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or
How Government Action goes wrong…. ‘The report says the department pushed ahead without undertaking basic project approval checks, taking decisions before testing the ideas for feasibility.’ : 20th September 2011: Julia Evans
Extracts of the 13th February 1907 Scientific Meeting on Frank Wedekind’s ‘Awakening of Spring’ – a work in progress : 19th September 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135345/https://lacanianworks.net/2011/09/freud-reitler-comment-on-spring-awakening-work-in-progress/
Sadeian power in use: By having its hand on Asia’s water tap, China is therefore acquiring tremendous leverage over its neighbours’ behaviour… : 31st August 2011 : Julia Evans
An historical look at treatments for human conditions of mental distress – are the same parameters still driving treatments? : 24th August 2011 : Julia Evans
The Government as Sadeian experimenter :17th August 2011 : Julia Evans
Principles based in trust and relationships versus Sadeian absolute control : 14th August 2011 : Julia Evans
What works – tackling out-of-limits destruction and violence : 14thAugust 2011 : Julia Evans
… the existence of a “completely ignored underclass” who have developed a “perverse morality” : 13th August 2011 : Julia Evans
LW cartel – Jouissance & symbolic (dis)order : 30th July 2011 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z or https://web.archive.org/web/20220718142626/https://lacanianworks.net/2011/07/lw-cartel-jouissance-symbolic-disorder/
Ethics – the Sadean & Kantian position and how the Lacanian psychoanalytic position differs : 28th July 2011 : Julia Evans
On limits : 27th July 2011 : Julia Evans
The two laws, limits and position: a new post : 10th July 2011 : Julia Evans
‘It almost looks as if analysis were the third of those ‘impossible’ professions in which one can be sure beforehand of achieving unsatisfying results. The other two, which have been known much longer, are education and government.’ Sigmund Freud (1937) : quote noted by Julia Evans on 31st May 2011. See The three impossible professions – Analysis, Education & Government, SE XXIII p248 : 1937 : Sigmund Freud at this site /3 Sigmund Freud (1937 or https://web.archive.org/web/20210121115414/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=83 .
Registration and Regulation – an attempt at an update and the Government’s Happiness/Wellbeing Factories reappear [Index of topics: 1) Power & control 2) Registration 3) The use of regulation to produce Government standard Happiness – Increased Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) again] : 19th May 2011 : Julia Evans
Collaborators win: Putting the State Wellbeing Strategy to work… : 8th February 2011 : Julia Evans
‘Psychotherapy is imposed – Psycho-analysis© works – Psychoanalysis operates’ : 15th December 2010 : Julia Evans. See this site /Evans Julia (5 Other Authors A-Z) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210303205531/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=226
“I do not regard the need for resolutions, affirmative or negative, as a sufficient protection against the increasing, apparent indifference with which this legislation comes into force.” : 15th December 2010 : Julia Evans
And by the way, we are already regulated, no one is anti-regulation, we are simply resisting state regulation as it is being undertaken in an unintelligent and brutal way and will benefit no one but the HPC : 11th December 2010 : Julia Evans
Both the kings of old and the potentates of today prefer to create their own reality than to face the truth : 7th December 2010 : Julia Evans
Who is in bed with whom (Part 2)? A call for your action : 2nd December 2010 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210413171040/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=231
Reply to CON-sultation: Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS White Paper July 2010 : 9th October 2010 : Julia Evans
Challenges to Government’s principles used to define the care of mental ill-health : 15th July 2010 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)
Evaluation believes neither in the value of professional ethics nor in institutional regulations. It mistrusts what is human (Jean-Claude Maleval) : 14th April 2010 : Julia Evans
Does rule through regulatory systems give protection from murderers? – No :
6th November 2009 : Julia Evans
More on the effects of using this government’s top-down power – Systems used to blame not re-calibrate and prevent (Child care) & the principles underlying Government action : 5th November 2009 : Julia Evans
Opposing the Section 60 Order which will make psychology a function of the state – as it was in Soviet Russia : 16th April 2009 : by Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20210307092510/http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=629
Wellbeing & Happiness as used by the UK Government : 7th May 2007 : Julia Evans
Paternity …. Fatherhood : 10th October 2005 : Julia Evans
An explanation of Jacques Lacan’s use of cartels in organisational structure : 1st November 1997 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or https://web.archive.org/web/20220523214421/https://lacanianworks.net/1997/11/an-explanation-of-jacques-lacans-use-of-cartels-in-organisational-structure/