Jean Hyppolite originally presented this during Seminar I 10th February 1954. The notes from this session are published an appendix, p289-298 of Seminar I, A spoken commentary on Freud’s ‘Verneinung’ by Jean Hyppolite. Available, translated by John Forrester, at /Lacan or Authors A-Z (Hyppolite)
Availability of Seminar I-Freud’s papers on technique (1953-1954) : from 13th January 1954 : Jacques Lacan, edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, translated by John Forrester : See (this site) /4. Jacques Lacan (February 1954 or index) or /texts by request – password from Julia Evans.
A revised edition was then published in the Écrits (1966),
See /Other Authors A-Z (Hyppolite) or Lacan (February 1954)
For Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan, see (this site) /4 Jacques Lacan (Index or 19661001), in three parts:
Introduction to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung”
Response to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung”
A spoken commentary on Freud’s ‘Verneinung’, by Jean Hyppolite
From Bibliographical References in Écrits : 1966 – p865 of Fink’s translation :
Introduction to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung” Response to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung”
This is the text of a class of my seminar on Freudian Technique held February 10, 1954, at the medical school clinic at Saint Anne Hospital. The seminar was devoted, during the 1953—1954 school year, to Freud’s writings on technique; the text of this class came out in La Psychanalyse I (1956): 17—28 and 41-49.
For the original, in French of La Psychanalyse I, see /Lacan (12. La psychanalyse, vol. 1, 1953-1955) La psychanalyse I includes, (notes from – this site)
/Introduction and Response to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation on Freud’s Verneinung : 10th February 1954 : Jacques Lacan
/Presentation on Sigmund Freud’s Verneinung : 10th February 1954 : Jean Hyppolite
/Translation of Heidegger’s essay on ‘Heraclitus Logos’ : Winter 1956
/The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis (Rome) : 26th September 1953 : Jacques Lacan
Sur le polyglottisme dans l’analyse de Daniel Lagache
Reference to Sigmund Freud :
Negation : 1925h : Sigmund Freud : SE XIX p235-39 : published bilingual by /Homepage (Negation (Die Verneinung))
Published in translation
1) Translated by John Forrester : Seminar I (1953-1954)
i) Introduction & Response : Jacques Lacan
This version is very short and much of Jacques Lacan’s detailed argument is missing.
p52-61 of Seminar I :10th February 1954 : Chapter V, Introduction and reply to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation of Freud’s ‘Verneinung’ : Availability notes at /4. Jacques Lacan (Seminar I: Freud’s papers on technique: 1953-1954 : from 18th November 1954 : Jacques Lacan) Published Seminar I : edited by Jacques-Alain Miller : translated by John Forrester : available /texts on request. Contact Julia Evans
ii) A spoken commentary on Freud’s ‘Verneinung’, by Jean Hyppolite : 10th February 1954
This was presented during Jacques Lacan’s Seminar I : On Freudian Technique on 10th February 1954
Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung” : 10th February 1954 : translated by John Forrester : in the Appendix (p289-298) of Seminar I : Availability given Seminar I: Freud’s papers on technique: 1953-1954 : from 18th November 1953 : Jacques Lacan
2) Translated by Bruce Fink (This text is more complete) :
See /4. Jacques Lacan (Écrits : 1966)
Introduction to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary
on Freud’s “Verneinung” p308
Response to Jean Hyppolite’s Commentary on Freud’s “Verneinung” p318
A spoken commentary on Freud’s ‘Verneinung’, by Jean Hyppolite p746
From Écrits, Jacques Lacan, The first complete edition in English : W.W. Norton & Co : 2002. See Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan
Available, translated by Bruce Fink, at /authors a-z (Hyppolite) or /lacan (February 1954)
3) Introduction and response to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation on Freud’s Verneinung : 10th February 1954 : Jacques Lacan. Notes at /4. Jacques Lacan (February 1954) & to download at /lacan (February 1954)
Jean Hyppolite’s Presentation with translator’s notes, is available, translated by Bruce Fink, at /authors a-z (Hyppolite) or /lacan (February 1954)
Published in French:
Originally published as ‘Commentaire parlée sur la ‘Verneinung’ de Freud’, La Psychanalyse 1, 1956, p29-40.
Published, in French, at École Psychanalyse, Pas Tout Lacan,
Reprinted as Ch V & APPENDIX of Le Séminaire I, Les Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1975
& two of the Écrits (Introduction and Réponse) & the Appendix I of Lacan’s Écrits, 1966, p879-887,
and also in Jean Hyppolite, ‘Figures de la pensée philiosophique, écrits de Jean Hyppolite, Parais: PUF, 1971, Vol 1, p385-396
Notes by Jacques Lacan & references to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation:
Note 2, Negation (Verneinung) : 1925h : Sigmund Freud : SE XIX p235-39 : published bilingual by /Homepage (Negation (Die Verneinung))
Note 3, p879, ‘Freud begins by presenting his title, “Die Verneinung.” And I realized, making the same discovery Dr Lacan had already made, that it would be better to translate it into French as “La denegation.”
Simlarly, further on you will find “etwas im Urteil verneinen,” which is not “the negation of something in the judgement,” but a sort of “revocation of a judgement” [déjugement]. [3] Throughout the text, I think one must distinguish between the negation [négation] within judgment and the attitude of negation [négation]; otherwise it does not seem possible to understand it. Lacan’s note : This is indicated by the sentence that followsbeginning with Verurteilung, that is, the condemnation that it designates as equivalent to (Ersatz [SE XIX p236: “substitute for”]) repression, whose very “no” must be taken as a hallmark, as a certificate of origin comparable to “Made in Germany” stamped on an object.
Note 4. P748 of Fink’s – But the crux of the repression persists [4] p754 – “Bei Forthestand des Wesentlichen an der Verdrängung” GW IV p12, “What is essential to the repression persists” SE XIX p236
Note 6. P748 of Fink – The negation that Freud tals about here, …, shows us the sort of genesis whose vestiges Freud points to, at the moment of concluding his text, in the negativism characteristic of certain psychotics. [6] p754 – “Die allgemeine Verneinungslust, der Negativismus mancher Psychotiker ist wahrscheinlich als Anzeichen der Triebentmischung durch Abzug der libidinösen Komponentem zu verstehen” (GW XIV p15). [“The general pleasure in negation, the negativism displayed by many psychotics, is probably to be understood as a sign of a defusion of drives that has taken place through a withdrawal of the libidinal components” (Stud III p376-77, SE XIX p239, translation modified.]
Note 11. P750 Fink – We have here, in some sense,
two primary forces – the force of attraction [10] and the force of expulsion – both of which seem to be under the sway of the pleasure principle, which cannot but strike one in this text. [11] p754 text. The seminar in which Lacan gave a commentary on ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ did not take place until 1954-1955. So, this is Seminar II – Notes at (4. Jacques Lacan (November 1954). Seminar II, The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis: 1954-1955: from 17th November 1954 : Jacques Lacan Available /texts by request – Ask Julia Evans. See Beyond the Pleasure Principle : 1920g : Sigmund Freud, SE XVIII p1-64. Published bilingual at /homepage (BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE)
Note 12, p251 of Fink’s, When he says now that this exists, the question is [12] whether this representation still has the same status in reality but whether he can or cannot refind it. P754 Lacan’s note 12, Words added by the editor in accordance with freud’s text: “Der erste und nächste Zweck der Realitätsprüfung ist also nicht, ein dem Vorgestellten entsprechendes Objekt in der realen Wahrnehmung zufinden, sondern es wiederzufinden, sich zu überzeugen, dass es noch vorhanden ist” (GW XIV p14).[“The first and immediate aim, therefore, of reality-testing is, not to find an object in real perception which corresponds to the one presented, but to refind such an object, to convince oneself that it is still there” (SE XIX p237-38).]
Note 14, p252 of Fink’s, For this explains how there can be a pleasure in negating [denier], a negativism that results straightforwardly from the suppression[14] of the lividinal components; in other words, what has disappeared in the is pleasure in negating [nier] (disappeared=repressed) are the libidinal components. P743 note 14, The German here us Abug: deduction, discount, withholding; “what is withheld in the pleasure in negating are the libidinal componenets.” Its possibility is related to the Triebentmischung, which is a sort of return to a pure state, a decanting of the drives that is usually, and poorly, translated as désintrication des instincts [“defusion of instincts” (SE XIX p239)].
Note 15, p752 of Fink’s, Does the destructive instinct also depend consequently upon pleasure ? I think this is very important, crucial for technique.[15] (JE notes that this sentence actually still makes sense without the editor’s addition of ‘the’ & ‘principle’.) p743 note 15, Lacan notes: The admirable way in which Prof. Hyppolite’s exposé at this point closes in on the difficulty seems all the more significant to me in that I had not as yet produced the theses, which I was to develop the following year in my commentary on ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’, on the death instinct, which is so thoroughly evaded and yet so present in this text.
Note 16, p752 of Fink’s, However, Freud tells us that “the performance of the function of judgement is only made possible by the creation of the symbol of negation.”[16] p654 note 16. Underlined by Freud. From Negation : 1925h : Sigmund Freud, SE XIX p239 : But the performance of the function of judgement is not made possible until the creation of the symbol of negation has endowed thinking with a first measure of freedom from the consequences of repression and, with it, from the compulsion of the pleasure principle. SE XIX p239.
Related texts
– from & For access ask Julia Evans
Seminar I: Freud’s papers on technique: 1953-1954 : begins on 13th January 1954 : Jacques Lacan
Seminar II, The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis: 1954-1955: from 17th November 1954 : Jacques Lacan
Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan
Overall reference – Negation :1925h : Sigmund Freud, SE XIX p235-39. Published bilingual by /Homepage (Negation (Die Verneinung))
Beyond the Pleasure Principle : 1920g : Sigmund Freud, SE XVIII p1-64. Published bilingual at /homepage (BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE)