Texts by Date

Texts by Date2023-04-06T17:08:39+01:00

Take it from a psychologist – Rishi Sunak’s callous crusade on welfare will have disastrous consequences : 1st May 2024 : Jay Watts


Targeting people who need support for depression and anxiety will only make these growing problems worse : Opinion Disability - The Guardian : Wed 1 May 2024 13.00 BST Available at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/may/01/rishi-sunak-welfare-support-depression-anxiety Reasons for posting this text It draws attention to the Government’s throwing away those with ‘mental health’ conditions, that is all of us, its subjects. It is [...]

Downloading Sigmund Freud : First published February 2012


UPDATE February 2023 First search this site, LW.org /3 Sigmund Freud, for any updated text, then go to https://web.archive.org/web/20221205223226/https://lacanianworks.net/?p=361 or https://web.archive.org/web/20220903135310/https://lacanianworks.net/2022/08/sigmund-freuds-texts-available-electronically/ for the links to texts as at December 2022, before www.LacanianWorks.net was hacked. Many of the texts shown are available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net _____________________________________________ This lists texts by Sigmund Freud available to download and was first posted in February 2012 [...]

Jacques Lacan in English : First published on 18th March 2012


This post lists translations of texts by Jacques Lacan, their availability & notes on the text. It is regularly updated and was first published on www.LacanianWorks.net on 18th March 2012. Unfortunately, there was an hostile intrusion into LW.net on 24th December 2022 & the more than 900 posts cannot now be viewed. Efforts are being made to rebuild the [...]

Texts Indexed by Date & Author : first published 1st April 2016


These are texts mainly from the Lacanian world & Jacques Lacan's references. Please note: – the date is the date of its first appearance when presented or published. – information is in the form: Date, Author, Title, & possibly location where it was presented - it is presented in date order starting at current date, 2024, and going backwards into [...]

Index of texts by Julia Evans : 1st August 2022 (from 4th November 2019)


UPDATE February 2023 First search this site, LW.org /5 Authors A-Z (Evans), for any updated text, Second, go to www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /authors a-z (Evans) then go to https://web.archive.org/web/20221205223226/https://lacanianworks.net/?p=12365 or https://web.archive.org/web/20221209135017/https://lacanianworks.net/2022/08/index-of-texts-by-julia-evans/ for the links to texts as at December 2022, before www.LacanianWorks.net was hacked. _______________________ This is an index of Julia Evans’ texts published on www.LacanianWorks.org (LW.org) formerly on www.LacanianWorks.net (LW.net). [...]

Pictures on the Slider – index & connection to Freud/Lacan : first posted 8th February 2023 : Julia Evans


Index of this Post Index of Pictures on the Slider Connection to Sigmund Freud or Jacques Lacan References ____________________________________________________ Index of Pictures on the Slider Note : The pictures are not necessarily displayed in this order The Treachery of Images (Ceci n’est pas une pipe) by René Magritte (1928–1929) St John with Right Finger Pointing by Leonardo Da Vinci (1513-1516) [...]

Psychopractice Regulation, SCoPEd – Generating Psychotherapathy? : 3rd July 2023 : Denis Postle


Published by The Alliance for Counselling & Psychotherapy [Follow us on Twitter, Tweets from @Alliance4CP] & circulated at https://allianceblogs.wordpress.com/2023/07/03/scoped-generating-psychotherapathy-denis-postle/ Also available at www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /texts by request – ask for password Further on SCoPEd An Examination of ‘Learned Helplessness’ : 11th December 2014 : Julia Evans. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans Julia or Index of Julia Evans’ [...]

The Mad Love of a Mother : July 2023 : Éric Laurent


Éric Laurent is a psychoanalyst and member of the Ecole de la cause freudienne Published PN 40 The Love Event Spring 2023 p71-80 Available www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /Laurent Footnote 1 does not exist P71, This subject, produced by a horrific story, has many doctors, judges, educators in her life. [1] She made many appeals for help, and it can be said, grosso [...]

It is time we stopped colluding : 10th March 2023 : Paul Atkinson


This is recommended for its detailed research into UK Government current provisions. JE Introduction by Paul Atkinson I argue here that we psychotherapists in the private sector bear our own share of responsibility for the institutionalization of a two-tier system of psychological care and therapy. We are on aggregate a profession of the self-employed, focused on the self-development of the [...]

From Patient to Practitioner : 1st February 2023 : Ganesh Anantharaman


Published in ‘Seminar web-edition’, New Delhi, India, #762 MENTAL HEALTH LANDSCAPE a symposium on psychosocial disability at https://www.india-seminar.com/semframe.html (3rd down left-hand column) Other texts by Ganesh Anantharaman www.LacanianWorksExchange.net /authors a-z (Anantharaman) The intention is to transfer all posts from www.LacanianWorks.net to this website, www.LacanianWorks.org. Should any still be in the queue, then go to https://web.archive.org and type in lacanianworks.net [...]

Premiers écrits : 23rd January 2023 : Jacques Lacan


Published Le champ freudian, collection fondée par Jacques Lacan, aux Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 23rd January 2023 Collaboration à la réalisation de ce volume Coordination, Guy Briole. Responsable de l’édition des textes, Pénélope Fay, avec Anne Bru­net, Geneviève Cloutour-Monribot, Judith Couture, Françoise Kovache, Patricia Loubet, Bérengère Nicolas, Lise Roullet, Anne Semaille, Vanessa Sudreau.PLEASE NOTE : Index of availability in translation. [...]