See below. Published p337-340 of The Early Lacan: Five Unpublished Letters from Jacques Lacan to Alexandre Kojève, by Juan Pablo Lucchelli University of Rennes, translated Todd McGowan, American Imago, V73 (3) p325-341,

Originally published, Cinq lettres inédites de Jacques Lacan à Alexandre Kojève, La Cause du Désir 2016/2 (N° 93), pages 150 à 152

Available at  /lacan (March 1935)

Commentary : 2016 : Juan Pablo Lucchelli, also available at /lacan (March 1935)

Titles & subtitles

p326 The Early Lacan

p327 Regular Meetings or the Seeds of the Future Seminar?

p331 A Joint Text on Hegel and Freud

p332 The Summaries in the Yearbooks of the École Pratique des Hautes Études

p334  The Mirror Stage: A Kojèvian Reading of Wallon

p335  The Place of Madness in Reason

p336  Conclusion

Five Letters from Lacan to Kojève

Letter 1

Doctor Jacques Lacan
Former Head of the Clinic at the School 149 Rue de la Pompe
Tel: Kléber 97–80
By appointment

Dear Sir,
My wife and I are expecting you for dinner, as we have arranged, tomorrow, Friday, at 8:15.

I am very grateful that you are willing to give me your time and your insights on a subject that affects me so deeply.

Devotedly yours, Jacques Lacan March 21, 1935

Letter 2

Doctor Jacques Lacan
Former Head of the Clinic at the School 149 Rue de la Pompe
Tel: Kléber 97–80
By appointment

Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of reminding you that our regular meeting will take place at my house this Monday, April 1, at 9 in the evening. You will be welcome among us whenever you are able to come.

Warmly yours, Jacques Lacan March 31, 1935

Letter 3

Doctor Jacques Lacan
Former Head of the Clinic at the School 149 Rue de la Pompe
Tel: Kléber 97–80
By appointment

Dear Sir,
Since you are not free this Thursday, I realized that I could delay for two weeks the day for the resumption of our periodic meetings. The next one will take place this Monday, May 20, and I would be very happy if you could honor it with your presence. It would be a great pleasure for me if you thought to bring me the text, “Glauben und Wissen,” that you have cited.24

Devotedly yours, Jacques Lacan May 17, 1935

[Footnote 24.  24. Author’s (Juan Pablo Lucchelli) note: I asked Jean-Claude Milner to read the photograph taken of this letter because the word Wissen is not clear. He suggested to me the title of Hegel’s early work.]

Letter 4

November 20, 1935

Doctor Jacques Lacan
Former Head of the Clinic at the School 149 Rue de la Pompe
Tel: Kléber 97–80
By appointment

Dear Friend,
Thanks for letting me know about your resumption of your course, which I was just starting to worry about. I will certainly be present this Friday and the others . . . a little late, so often impossible to avoid, which forces me to slip in at the edge of the table right in the middle of your talk, which I apologize for.

I will participate, to the extent that I can contribute something original, to the working discussions that you wish to be—and that effectively seem to me to be—fecund.

I alerted Queneau according to your request.

I am entirely absorbed for the moment by an article that I was talking to you about before vacation—on the family, considered from a psychological point of view. But I hope that soon our meetings of last year will resume, if those who came together for them are again interested to battle it out here.

Yours kindly—my regards to your wife, Jacques Lacan

Letter 5

Doctor Jacques Lacan
Former Head of the Clinic at the School 149 Rue de la Pompe
Tel: Kléber 97–80
By appointment

December 27, 1935

Dear Sir,
Excuse me for not being able to be there at your last course, as I had told you I would.

Would you be so kind as to phone me tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday at lunch hour, for example, so that we might set an appointment for preparing the passage from the Phenomenology on madness? I will be as honored to collaborate your commentary as I am desirous to make use of it to the greatest extent that I can.25

Yours with fervent esteem, Jacques Lacan

[Footnote 25.  Author’s note (Juan Pablo Lucchelli): Jean-Claude Milner tells me that the summaries of these talks by Kojève at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, are those archived on the site Persée ( The summary of 1935 mentions Jacques Lacan’s intervention as follows: “Mr. Lacan interpreted the passages relating to madness (Wahnsinn des Eigendiinkels), and gave a suggestive talk entitled “Toward the Confrontation of Hegelian Anthropology with Modern Anthropology, Inspired by Freud.”]

Texts quoted by Juan Pablo Lucchelli

Mirror Stage: 16th June 1936 (Paris), 3rd August 1936 (Marienbad), 1938, 17th July 1949 (Zurich), Écrits 1966 : Jacques Lacan

Motives of Paranoiac Crime : December 1933 : Jacques Lacan

Presentation on Psychical Causality : 28th September 1946 (Bonneval Hospital, Paris ) : Jacques Lacan

Family Complexes in the Formation of the Individual : 1938 : Jacques Lacan

Kant with Sade: April 1963: Jacques Lacan