International Psycho-analytical Library, The Hogarth Press, 1931
P13-54 of On Nightmares : 1931 : Ernest Jones, Published International Psycho-analytical Library, The Hogarth Press, 1931is a reprint of Ernest Jones’ On the Nightmare, American Journal of Insanity, Jan. 1910
& is available at /Authors A-Z (Jones) or Authors by Date (January 1910)
Some of Ernest Jones’ References
P15-16 On the mental side, the frequency with which attacks of Nightmare precede or accompany the development of hysteria and insanity has been noted by the majority of writers on the subject.[1] First of many is [1] P. Chaslin, Du rôle du rève dans l’évolution du délire, 1887, PP 40, 44, 46, 54
P34 Kant[1] formulated the remark- able opinion that Nightmare was a beneficent process the function of which was to wake the individual and so warn him of the danger to which he was exposedfrom the effect of the constrained posture of his circulation. As we shall presently learn, Freud also sees a teleological function, though of a vastly different kind, in the waking from Nightmare. [1] I. Kant, Anthropologie, 1798, Sec. 34. S. 105
P41 The subject, however, remained in total obscurity until Freud[1] published his now classical papers on Angst neurosis, in which he established the nosological independence of the affection and stated his conclusions on its nature and aetiology. In these papers he pointed out how important a part is played in the generation of this malady by various abnormalities in the functioning of the sexual activities of the individual. The association in general between the sexual instinct and the emotions of fear and dread is a very intimate[2] one; it is, however, impossible here to enter into a discussion of the exact relationships of the two, the more so as it is proposed later to deal fully with the subject in another paper. Suffice it to say that the type of emotion designated as Angst is in general closely connected with sexual emotion, and in particular with pathological ‘repression’ of it or with unsatisfactory functioning of what may broadly be called the psycho-sexual system of activities. Since Freud’s writings it has gradually become recognized how important is this factor in the production of Angst neurosis.
[1] Sigm. Freud, ‘Über die Berechtigung, von der Neurasthenie einen bestimmten Symptomenkomplex als ” Angstneurose ” abzutrennen’, Neurolog. Centralbl., 1895, [On the grounds for detaching a particular syndrome from neurasthenia under the description “Angst (Anxiety) Neurosis : 1895b [1894] : Sigmund Freud, SE III p87] S. 50. ‘Zur Kritik der “Angstneurose”‘ [A reply to criticisms of my paper on angst [anxiety] neurosis : 1896 [1895] : Sigmund Freud, SE III p123-139] Wiener klinische Rundschau 1895. A translation of both papers is reprinted in Freud’s Collected Papers, 1924, vol I, p76.
[2] [When this essay was first published (1909) the shocked printer changed this word to ‘distant-‘, and, in spite of my correcting it in the proof, saw to it that ‘distant’ was the word that appeared on publication.]
P42 & 43 A word must here be said about the modern psychological theory of dreams, which we also owe entirely to Freud. [2] [2] Sigm. Freud, Die Traumdeutung, 1900. See The Interpretation of Dreams : 6th November 1899 (published as 1900) : Sigmund Freud SE IV & V, See this site /3 Sigmund Freud (November 1899), SE IV & V, bilingual at /homepage ( The complete bilingual of THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS and ON DREAMS)
As quoted by Jacques Lacan
12th December 1962 : Seminar X
See Seminar X – The Anguish (L’angoisse) (1962-1963) : from 14th November 1962 : Jacques Lacan. See this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19621114)
– p61 of Adrian Price’s translation = Seminar X : 12th December 1962 &
– pV 41 of Cormac Gallagher’s translation : Quote Seminar X : 12th December 1962 : To jump to a completely different order, I would evoke here the most massive, unreconstituted, ancestral experience, rejected onto the obscurity of ancient times from which we are supposed to have escaped, a necessity which unites us with these ages which is still current and which very curiously we speak about only very rarely: it is that of the nightmare. One asks oneself why for some time, analysts interest themselves so little in the nightmare.
I introduce it here because it is going to be necessary all the same for us to remain on it this year for a certain time and I will tell you why. I will tell you why and where to find the material, because if there is already on this question an already established and very remarkable literature, to which you should refer, it is – however forgotten it may be on this point – it is namely Jones’ book on the nightmare, a book of incomparable riches. I recall to you the fundamental phenomenology. I am not dreaming for a moment of eluding the principal dimension: the anxiety of the nightmare is experienced properly speaking as that of the jouissance of the Other. The correlative of the nightmare, is the incubus or the succubus, it is this being who weighs with his whole opaque weight of alien jouissance on your chest, who crushes you under his jouissance.
Well then, to introduce ourselves from this important angle into what the thematic of the nightmare will bring us, the first thing in any case which appears, which appears in the myth, but also in the phenomenology of the nightmare, of the nightmare as experienced, is that this being who weighs down by his jouissance is also a questioning being and even properly speaking, one who manifests, deploys himself in this complete, developed dimension of the question as such which is called the riddle.
Related text
The Flavour of Nightmare by Oriol Corbacho, 30th November 2019, LRO 195, See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Corbacho), or /authors a-z (Corbacho)
P241 of The Action of Suggestion in Psychotherapy : 2nd May 1910 : Ernest Jones, see this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Jones) quotes from Ernest Jones. On the Nightmare. American Journal of Insanity, Jan. 1910. p. 383