Translated by Cormac Gallagher
Published /Seminars – XXV
Dates of sessions & page numbers in Cormac Gallagher’s translation
Seminar 1 : Wednesday 15th November 1977 : p1-8
Seminar 2 : Wednesday 13th December 1977 : p1-6
Seminar 3 : Wednesday 20th December 1977 : p1-7
Seminar 4 : Wednesday 10th January 1978 : p1-4
Seminar 5 : Wednesday 17th January 1978 : p1-18
Seminar 6 : Wednesday 14th February 1978 : p1-5
Seminar 7 : Wednesday 21st February 1978 : p1-6
Seminar 8 : Wednesday 14th March 1978 : p1-16
P17-20 is Annexe to Session 8 : Pages showing schemas distributed by Pierre Soury probably 21 February or 14 March
Seminar 9 : Tuesday 21st March 1978 : p1-9
Seminar 10 : Tuesday 11th April 1978 : p1-4
Seminar 11 : Tuesday 18th April 1978 : p1-10
Seminar 12 : Tuesday 9th May 1978 : p1-5
Citations & Quotes
Seminar XXV 15th November 1977
P1 of Cormac Gallagher’s translation quoted in The Réveil (Awakening) from the Rêve (Dream) or th’Esp of a Rêve (Dream) : January 2019 : Éric Laurent. See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent) or /Laurent.
Quote from Laurent “the unconscious is exactly the hypothesis that one does not dream only when one sleeps”:
Quote from Seminar XXV : 15th November 1977 : p1 of Cormac Gallagher’s translation : This does not prevent analysis from having consequences: it says something. What is meant by ‘saying’ (‘dire’)? ‘To say’ has something to do with time. The absence of time – it is something people dream about – is what is called eternity and this dream consists in imagining that one wakes up. One spends one’s time dreaming, one does not dream simply when one sleeps. The unconscious, is very precisely the hypothesis that one does not dream only when one is asleep. I would like to point out to you that what is called ‘the reasonable’ is a phantasy; it is quite manifest at the beginning of science. Euclidian geometry has all the characteristics of phantasy. A phantasy is not a dream, it is an aspiration.
Seminar XXV 15th November 1977
Quotation 4,, towards the XIVth Congres of WAP – Everyone is Mad, 22nd to 25th February 2024, circulated on 8th November 2023
“We spend our time dreaming, we do not dream solely when we are asleep. The unconscious is exactly the hypothesis that we do not dream solely when we are asleep.”
Lacan J., « Une pratique de bavardage », Ornicar ?, n. 19, 1979, p. 5.
Une pratique de bavardage, séminaire du 15/11/1977 (“Le moment de conclure”), Ornicar?, 1979.
Seminar XXV 15th November 1977, P1 of Cormac Gallagher’s translation : One spends one’s time dreaming, one does not dream simply when one sleeps. The unconscious, is very precisely the hypothesis that one does not dream only when one is asleep.