Intervention in a meeting organized by the Scuola freudiana, in Milan, 4th  February 1973.

Published in the bilingual edition: ‘Lacan in Italia 1953‐1978. En Italie Lacan’, Milan, La Salamandra, 1978, pp. 78‐97 : Excursus; Intervention dans une réunion organisée par la Scuola freudiana, à Milan

Translated by Anthony Chadwick : Published bilingual by /Lacan (71. Excursus—Intervention dans une réunion organisée par la Scuola freudiana, à Milan)


P6 :  S.E. XVII, ‘A Child is Being Beaten’ A Contribution to the Study of the Origin of Sexual Perversions, pages 175‐204. See ‘A child is being beaten’ a contribution to the study of the origin of sexual perversions : 1919 : Sigmund Freud, Trans. J. Strachey, SE XVII p175-204, PFL Vol 10.  Published bilingual at  /Homepage  /‘A Child is Being Beaten’ (‘Ein Kind wird geschlagen’)  Information see  /1. A Lacanian Clinic / C Cartel or group work / d) e A Child is being Beaten.


P16 of Logic and Love : 2019 : Catherine Millot, see this site  /5 Other Authors A-Z (Millot) quotes P11 of Anthony Chadwick’s translation, I heard talk of Thomism as I was entering adolescence, and God knows the fuss that was being made about it at that time, but when I was still a baby there were already some people who spoke very well about Thomism, and could see very well what that meant: namely that there is no theory of love which can be founded, which makes sense, which has a logical coherence, which was not founded, that theory of love, on love of self, that is to say what is generally called egoism.

Abbé Rousselot wanted it not to be so sad, but he is forced to recognize that one cannot say anything coherent about love except on the basis of an extension of love of self: that is to say that in sum, Saint Thomas was not an absolute idiot, except that he was probably a little hypogenital. Well Saint Thomas realized all the same, for well‐founded reasons, articulating himself on Aristotle, didn’t he, that the velle bonum alicui*, that is to say wanting some good for someone, that means in sum taking his affairs in hand, that is to say submitting oneself to him. And after all it is all the same a quite tangible dimension of the demands of love, that it ends up with this: that that can only converge with the love that the supreme being deserves, since he is the sovereign good. *[Note from  /Lacan : Thomas Aquinas (1225‐1274) was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. His best‐known works are the Disputed Questions on Truth (1256–1259), the Summa contra Gentiles (1259–1265), and the unfinished but massively influential Summa Theologica a.k.a. Summa Theologiae (1265–1274), from which the above quote originates, (amare est) velle bonum alicui (To love is to will the good of the other). I, 59, 4; 27 and II‐II, 26, 6; 12.]