This is quoted by Éric Laurent in A Vision of the Streaming (ruissellement – trickling down) of the One : December 2021 : Éric Laurent, see this site  /5 Authors A-Z (Laurent)

I reproduce below my notes on Footnote 33 of Laurent’s text.

Background on Francis Ponge

From Wikipedia : Francis Jean Gaston Alfred Ponge (French: [pɔ̃ʒ]; 27 March 1899 – 6 August 1988) was a French poet. He developed a form of prose poem, minutely examining everyday objects. He was the third recipient of the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1974.  …

During the 1930s Ponge was for a short while associated with the Surrealist movement, influenced by which he joined the Communist Party in 1937.

During the Second World War, Ponge joined the French Resistance. He also worked for the National Committee of Journalists, 1942–1944 and was literary and artistic director of the communist weekly L’Action 1944–1946. He left the Communist Party in 1947. From 1952 to 1965 he held a professorship at the Alliance française in Paris. In 1966 and 1967 he was a visiting professor at Barnard College and Columbia University in the US.

In his later years Ponge was a recluse, living at his country house. He died in Le Bar-sur-Loup at the age of 89

Footnote 33 of Laurent’s text

33 Lacan J., “Lettre à Francis Ponge”, 11 December 1972, La Cause du désir, No. 106, Novembre 2020, p10-14


P57 Laurent : We had a recent example of this with the publication of an epistolary exchange between Ponge and Lacan, which dates back to a year after the publication of “Lituraterre”.33


The following is available at

Cher Ponge.

C’est Lacan.

Il n’y a que vous qui pouvez répondre à une question urgente que m’a posée Jakobson à midi.

Appelez-moi si vous le pouvez soit avant 20 heures aujourd’hui soit après 21h30. Ou demain matin au plus tard.

La question est la suivante. Y a-t-il quelque exemple de poésie en français où se dénote une insistance sur la violation de l’accord grammatical, disfonction du singulier et du pluriel, du genre, postposition de la « préposition », etc.

Tous procédés qu’un Cummings a délibérément, je crois, employés en anglais.

J’avoue, moi, qu’en français je donne ma langue au chat.

Bien sûr, si vous me dépannez, vous en rendrai-je hommage auprès de mon interlocuteur.


J Lacan

Ce 11 12 72.


Cher Lacan.

Votre pneu me parvient ici, avec trois ou quatre jours de retard… bien au-delà, par conséquent, du délai que vous me fixiez pour répondre à la question posée à vous par Jakobson (« Exemple y a-t-il, en français, de violation systématique de l’accord grammatical » ?)

Je suis d’autant moins savant en de telles matières que vous semblez, cher ami, le supposer. Cummings en anglais, ou, bien sûr – et il faudrait donc chercher, chez les expérimentateurs français, du côté de Dada (qui a, certainement, influencé Cummings). Pour cela, interroger Sanouillet ? ? Je ne le connais pas, mais je vais interroger Butor, qui est son collègue à l’université de Nice… À l’occasion, j’en parlerai aussi à Ribemont-Desaigne…


Via Google translate

Dear Pong.

It is Lacan.

Only you can answer an urgent question Jakobson posed to me at noon.

Call me if you can either before 8 p.m. today or after 9:30 p.m. Or tomorrow morning at the latest.

The question is this. Is there any example of poetry in French where there is an insistence on the violation of grammatical agreement, dysfunction of the singular and the plural, gender, postposition of the “preposition”, etc.

All devices which e.e. cummings deliberately, I believe, employed in English.

I admit, me, that in French I give my tongue to the cat.

Of course, if you help me out, I will pay homage to my interlocutor.



This 11 12 72.


Dear Lacan.

Your tyre [pneu???] reaches me here, three or four days late… well beyond, therefore, the deadline you set for me to answer the question posed to you by Jakobson (“Example is there, in French , systematic violation of grammatical agreement”?)

I am all the less learned in such matters than you seem, dear friend, to suppose. Cummings in English, or, of course – and one would therefore have to look, among French experimenters, on the side of Dada (which certainly influenced Cummings). For that, interrogate Sanouillet? ? I don’t know him, but I’m going to ask Butor, who is his colleague at the University of Nice… Occasionally, I’ll also talk to Ribemont-Desaigne about it…


P58, Footnote 34 Laurent

34 ibid., p.14.

P57-58 : Lacan relays to Ponge a question from Jakobson: “Is there any example of poetry in French where there is denoted an insistence on the violation of grammatical agreement, a disfunction of singular and plural (forms), of gender, of postposition of ‘prepositions’, etc?”34 In conveying the question, Lacan formulates it in terms evoking “the insistence” of the poetic letter, in order to infringe syntactic regularities. Lacan does not shy away from underlining the aggression and violence done to syntax by the letter, by speaking of the “insistence on violation”. What interests Lacan is poetic writing as an islet of infraction and irregularity. The reference to the work of the American avant-garde poet e. e. cummings, highlights this resolve.

See Footnote 33