Intervention to the exposition of J. Lacan: “PSYCHOANALYSIS AND CRIMINOLOGY” [1950] During the XIIIth Conference of French-speaking psychoanalysts, Jacques Lacan presented, on May 29, 1950, a communication under the title “Theoretical introduction to the functions of psychoanalysis in criminology [1]”, (signed with Michel Cénac, but entirely written by him ). This communication, which appears in the R.F.P. 1951, No. 1, is republished in the Écrits. The volume number of the R.F.P. includes the review of the discussion, and a summary of Lacan’s responses, which follows here below.

Published in Revue française de psychanalyse, Janvier-mars 1951, tome XV, n° 1, pp. 84-88

In French:

-Published at

Or at /Lacan (19500529)

-Published in French in Autres écrits pp 121‐125 : Autres Écrits : 2001 : Jacques Lacan, see this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19500529 or Index of Jacques Lacan’s texts)

In translation

-Published from Autres Écrits, at Download, translated by Mario Beira and edited by Anthony Chadwick and Richard Klein, bilingual, at www.Freud2Lacan /Lacan (184. Autres Écrits: /Prémisses à tout développement possible de la criminology)

– From Intervenciones y Textos, edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, Summary of responses provided during the discussion of the report “Theoretical Introduction to the Functions of Psychoanalysis to the functions of Psychoanalysis in Criminology [1]” (XIIIth Conference of French-speaking Psychoanalysts, 29 May, 1950.
Published, in French, Spanish & English translated by Mario Beira & Richard Klein, at /Lacan (57. Introduction théorique aux fonctions de la psychanalyse en criminologie—Intervention )

Related text

Presented at the same conference:[1] A Theoretical Introduction to the Functions of Psychoanalysis in Criminology (Paris?) : 29th May 1950 : Jacques Lacan with Michel Cénac, see this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19500529 or Index of Jacques Lacan’s texts). Published in Écrits : October 1966 : Jacques, see this site /4 Jacques Lacan (19661001 or Index of Jacques Lacan’s texts.)


-The case, from unease to the lie : February 2002 : Éric Laurent, see this site /5 Authors A-Z (Laurent or Index of Authors’ texts)
Quote from Laurent, He hopes for the publication of exhaustive monographs on a case [in which there is]:“a dramatic plenitude of the subject-to-subject relation, at the heart of its objective consequences in scientific terms; this dramatic plenitude unfolds in a quest that goes beyond the reality of behaviour, namely to the truth that is constituted in it”5 : Footnote 5. Lacan J, «Prémisses à tout développement possible de la criminologie» (1950), Autres écrits, Paris, Seuil, 2001, p. 121.

p2 of Mario Beira’s translation, edited by Anthony Chadwick and Richard Klein,, Psychoanalysis, insofar as it remains, within the limits of certain of its technical conventions, essentially dialogue and progress towards a meaning [sens], will always keep close to heart its objectifiable [objectivables] consequences in scientific terms, the dramatic plenitude of the relation of subject to subject; if psychoanalysis indeed sets out from the call of man to man, then it will develop in a search that goes beyond the reality of behavior: namely, the truth which is constituted there.

No method will thus make it less possible to elude the dialectical relation which links or binds Crime to the Law, in as much as the latter is both normative (categorical imperative) and contingent (Positive Law). This means that it cannot support any scientistic [scientist] or pragmatistic [pragmatiste] abasement of the level of the problems.